Saturday, May 1, 2010


AND NEVER LIFT A KETTLEBELL ??? This is a link to the crap certification The American Sports and Fitness Ass's-ociation puts out. $99 get you the wall certificate and a handy wallet sized card to represent yourself. What a joke. Go ahead. Take the test. You only pay or sign up if you pass and actually want it. The questions are amazing.

Check it out!!


mjn said...

Dyood. I totally got an 87%. You should start paying me to come to class!


Unknown said...

I got a 91% but I'm going to protest a couple of the answers.

Michael Rendle SFG-Team Leader said...

I didn't pass...not one of my responses were there.

Gina said...

I have absolutely no response to that. Guess I completely wasted a weekend of my life. I'm pretty sure Wes passed; he can teach us now too.
- Gina

Gary Horn said...

89% here. Michael, you didn't pass? Please surrender the stopwatch.

Anonymous said...

97%! Kettlebell Nerd!

Linnea said...

92% I guess I too can teach class now!

genkileslie said...

My cat passed with an 88%.