Thursday, May 27, 2010


Just because the person occupying the White House may not care to celebrate Memorial Day by going to Arlington National Cemetery and laying a wreath, doesn't mean we can't celebrate the national holiday. After all, It is a national holiday. Have a great holiday and we will resume training on Wednesday. No class Memorial Day. It's a national holiday. (did I mention it's a holiday?)

Friday, May 21, 2010


Here is the official/unofficial site for keeping track of the numbers. I was talking to Robert Budd RKC-TL a while back when he was trying to get on the list. He was a little annoyed it was taking so long to get his effort posted. So, it must be an important site to get published on if you want to post the numbers. Either way, the numbers are impressive.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Genetics plays a part..

...but doesn't control everything. Look at this guy. He's huge. And, he's natural. He doesn't lift weights to get big. He eats branches. Humans are the only creatures on the planet that go to a gym to get stronger. To out perform others. To change our human form or status. For us, our body seems very vulnerable to the old 'form follows function' tag line. Can you name another species that will go into the jungle, set up an obstacle course for themselves and then run it until time and/or strength improves? We are not a rare breed. We are the ONLY breed. And we will debate or argue which way of training is most effective. Proof is in the results. That will end the discussions and debates. This is a nice blog. Very simply describes 'Hard-Style.'

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Not that long ago.... was just another empty space. I came across this picture last night. Some will think back when we were still in the community center as the beginning of NEKB. Others will remember with reverence when NEKB only had one beer fridge. Either way I had the doors open this morning while vacuuming (Yes, I agree. In a perfect world 'vacuuming' would have one 'u' and two 'm's'.) and listening to the radio happier than a pig in mud.

For my training today I kept it simple. Vacuumed and pushed the Prowler. The Prowler kicked my butt, but my vacuuming is really coming along !

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A History of Evolution...

This is a picture taken in a friends garage of their skis. This is about half of them. At some point thru the years I think every pair has skied past me or been in front of me on a lift. My point is simple.This is what they do and they have the boneyard to prove it. You don't know them. They didn't go national or win olympic titles. They have just stuck with something they love. They ARE expert skiers. Quietly enjoying a sport. Supporting that sport. Pushing that sport thru the years so other can enjoy it some day. This kind of dedication is why others can come and go from the ski resorts and there is still a ski resort to come and go from. Why is this important? Because it is the RKC and NE Kettlebells. We do because it works. We have the track record to prove it. Matt just pressed a #7 (32 kg) . The women are blowing PR's out of the water. We care about it. It's important. Others will never get it or understand it...and that's okay. This matters to me. It's fun for me. I take them on vacation and long weekends. I look forward to getting together with like minded people. It is exactly how you get a collection of ski's in your garage.

READ THIS. It is a long read but it will end any discussions about the RKC-"Hard-Style" effectiveness.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Bell Handle Made With Women In Mind.

Gotta' share a great observation that Gina RKC made. She perfected her snatch grip for the RKC and did volume after volume of snatches to get the required amount for certification. After that weekend she came home with a 'female friendly' handled bell. Two weeks later her grip technique has adapted to the smaller handle and the other bells are ripping into her hands. So, unless Dragon Door is going to make a complete set of bells with smaller handles your training may suffer. Use the smaller handled bells are your own discretion.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


AND NEVER LIFT A KETTLEBELL ??? This is a link to the crap certification The American Sports and Fitness Ass's-ociation puts out. $99 get you the wall certificate and a handy wallet sized card to represent yourself. What a joke. Go ahead. Take the test. You only pay or sign up if you pass and actually want it. The questions are amazing.

Check it out!!