Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The TGU...A final word

 Here is the final word on the Turkish Get Up. Listening to this I learned a few things. The main thing I learned was Steve Maxwell didn't invent the TGU. It had been presented that he had or was responsible for it. This is Gray Cook, co-founder of the CK-FMS explaining the TGU...one...last...time.
  I was talking about running Monday. It is a wide spread belief that anyone can run. Sheesh, just run if you want to lose weight. Well, Running properly is a movement pattern. First..very, very, very few people run. If your not getting in 7  minute or less miles...your jogging. To add to that, if your not jogging faster than 9 minute miles...you should be walking. You'll get there just as fast but your knees/hips/back won't hate you for it. Check out the running vid. Good stuff.

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