Friday, November 21, 2008


    The snatch is a very ballistic move. The story goes, force plate analysis tells us it takes 4-5 times the bells weight generated in order to execute a proper snatch. Emphasis on the word 'proper' . Where is the force generated?  The hips. There is a pull thru but the hips drive the weight and the arms guide the weight.It is very fluid. Watch someone new try to snatch and they are all over the board...and they are smacking their forearms pretty bad. The bell should come to rest on the forearm. Not slam into the forearm. It must be finessed.

1) extreme delicacy or subtlety in action, performance, skill.
2) skill in handling a difficult or highly sensitive situation; adroit and artful management.
3) a trick.

We will visit the snatch today (yes, again). I think most  people do snatches when the want a quick training session.  They should be doing swings but you can't stop human nature from wanting to amp things up a little. So we will tweek this again. Plus some people were not there on Tuesday.

  Word on the studio...I am changing the open house date. I think Dec 2nd is to soon. Maybe a week or so after we have been in there and using it. Maybe couple it with a small Holiday party or gathering. We will figure it out. Growing pains.


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