Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I was a little annoyed by not finishing my ladder last Saturday morning. I knew what was going to happen and I felt pretty good considering I had not eaten well or slept. I worked the night before so the typical 2 hours of sleep in the past 24 was in play. All that aside, I felt pretty good. The ladder was a challenge . For those missing the action, It went like this:

Press L x5
Goblet Squat x 5
Press R x5
Swing x10
Snatch L x5
Goblet squat x5
Snatch R x5
Swing x10

The rules: Complete the above with one bell (keep the same bell) for all movements. Do everything in 2 minutes and do it 8 times. that's 16 minutes of straight work. Wait 5 minutes (rest) and do it again.

I used a 24 kg bell. I got thru the first set of 8....rested and only made it to 11 minutes the second half. My form was beginning to suffer and we all know the rule. When the form goes, your done ! So I put it down. Afterwards we talked. I heard a common theme. "Think I could have finished if I started with a ___ . I found myself falling into this thought pattern. I know I could have finished if I would have used the 20 kg bell instead of the 24 kg bell. Then I thought......maybe not. Maybe I hit peak capacity in that short time frame. Curious, I did the math. It's the same total weight lifted. Finishing with the 20 kg is the same total weight as quitting early with the 24 kg. Maybe I did hit my peak work load before my form went to hell. I won't know for sure until I do it again. Actually, I need to do it 2 more times. Once with the 20 kg and one more time with the 24 kg but, this time, well rested and fed. Only then will I know for sure. This will be revisited.

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