Thursday, December 10, 2009


It was just a snow day. We live in Minne-snow-dah. It's what we do. Shoveling is activity, not a workout. Yes, it's cold. There's a shocker. Dig deep and get your training completed. For those that missed it, we covered the snatch. Then, we drilled the snatch. Three different size bells to drill and then one to hang and polish ourselves off. (ya'know, re-reading this...I'm glad we know what we're discussing)

So, today I did a VO2 Max. I grabbed the 24kg (#5) and did 80 sets of 6. Forty total minutes. I don't like the idea of limiting myself. My hope is to continue to advance and outperform myself. Hit personal records until I die. I know it's not realistic. I know years from now I will fall into the "That's great for a guy his age" category. But for now I will continue to strive for improvement and betterment just for of it. That being said, I think I have hit my limit with the VO2. What I did today was over 25,000 lbs of work in 40 minutes. The adjustments I was making to get the snatches, not to mention the tempo, I think demonstrated some limitations. End game. Here's why. The top athletes in the world put a disproportionate amount of energy and effort into gaining a very small percent of performance which puts them on top. For me to step up in conditioning that allows more snatches (7 or 8 in 15 seconds) I would need to place far too much focus on VO2. I believe I would risk injury and setbacks. I did the full 6 reps every time. The full 6 reps took the full 15 seconds the last 10 minutes. The ballistics were decreasing and I was adjusting technique to fire things off. I made the mistake of trying to spare a hand. I did back to back sets with one arm to give a potential rip a break and all it did was fry my grip on that arm. It did not recover for the remaining time of the event.
So there's the bar. Someday I may grab the 28kg (#6) bell and give it a go. Who knows. For now the bar has been set at 24kg/6 snatches (25,000+ lbs work). By the way, to put things in perspective, you need to snatch the 16 kg (#3) 9 times every 15 seconds in order to meet the work load of 25,000+ lbs. Or, the 20kg (#4) 7 times every 15 seconds. End game. Break those numbers (16kg x 10 and 20kg x 8) and the bar gets raised. One rule. You have to stay with the same number the entire 80 sets in order for the work load to count towards raising the bar. Go ahead...snatch the pebble, Grasshopper.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Oh What Fun....... is to snatch!!!!!!! Today was playtime. I am going to 'own' every step. Today I did VO2 max with the #5 for 80 sets of 5. That is over 21,000 lbs of work on 40 min. Not bad and .......not totally taxing. I will see how it hits my body tomorrow. Right now I feel pretty good about things. So, next time the number will be 6. Grip wasn't an issue. Now having said that, typing this is starting to kill my grip. Funny how that works. Todays training will be very easy on the hands. No worries.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Somewhere in THERE........

Side snatches. What can I say. I am still feeling the effect. Generalized local aches and pains. Nothing too bad, just feeling the tension between my shoulder blades. We worked some of the kinks out last night but this one will take a while to recover. Not a bad thing. Actually, considering the movement I am surprised we aren't more bent out of shape over the whole session. It was a new movement for us and it went well. Much better than those loopy-cleany-thingies we did once. And unlike the loopy-cleany-thingies we will revisit the side snatches.
Feeling good about your training? Not getting as smoked as you did when you first started training. Are you feeling like you have reached a comfortable level of endurance and strength. Wrong. Time to step up, grab a bigger bell by the horns and become reacquainted with your body and it's potentials. STEP UP !

Friday, October 30, 2009

While away......

...She found a place to play. Here are some pic's of Linnea's new space for training. I see ropes!! Now if we could just see a pic of her using them :)


...CUZ' THE EMAILS KEEP COMIN' IN !! The main thrust is the VO2 Max was a great experience. Some wanted to quit but stuck it out. Some think they could have use a bigger bell or went up a weight. Just remember, this is the bench mark. From hear we move forward. You know your potentials and abilities so let's adjust for the next run at it. It won't be for a while for the obvious reasons.
A couple quick observations about nutrition. I am not big on nutrition. I know I can't "out snatch" my mouth so I keep the volume of stuff going in it down. I don't pay particular attention to what it is. I drink soda/pop very rare. It's the 'anything in moderation' approach. This does not apply to poisons. Recently I have done a lot of reading on three things; High Fructose Corn Syrup, Aspartame and MSG (Monosodium glutamate). The casual and safe level of consumption are off the charts. I have included links to the first two. MSG is a bigger bear to link primarily because there is so much conflicting info'. Everyone agrees it is a neurotoxin but the levels and effects depend on...the amount you consume. I know, duh. The others have nothing beneficial. All are products of 'brewing' from bacteria (aspergillus, E.coli, yeast). Basically, the waste product (poo) tastes sweet (who was the first sic' pup to put that in their mouth!). It is very concentrated. Easier to ship than sugar. Dissolves in everything. Cheap. Read the links above and you'll find it is making everyone around us fat and diabetic. And, it is a weird fat. Look at teenagers. This fat hangs near the organs. The midline. This is a new phenomenon. HERE'S THE PROBLEM. I looked around the house and then went shopping. A friend of mine (who has recently dropped about 4 notches in his belt loop by avoiding this crap) made this observation. You can't shop at Cub anymore. Everything has this stuff in it. If it comes in a box or a can't put it in you mouth. So yesterday I bought actual ingredients for things. I am on a new path. Primarily for my kids.
Do with the intel' as you please. Just remember one word that sums it all up...NEUROTOXIN.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Post VO2 Max

What Happened????? I don't know. Everyone just kinda' figured it out somewhere between snatch 400-450. Then things started looking great! Funny how that works. I am so sorry for the tech isssues during the second class. I have not found a single thing wrong with the settings. Gremlins. Either way...amazing efforts all around. It is a boat load of work and everyone managed it perfect. A little skin tear here and there but nothing major. Awesome! Really. what. Now you do your own reading and rest knowing that you have achieved a very high level of conditioning.
Have a great rest. You've earned it! If you eat modestly over the next couple days your body will continue to burn fat after a training period like this one. Get the extra kick out of the effort you just put in...regular meals. Not extra Kcals.

Friday, September 18, 2009

"nuff said.......

Here is a link to an excellent thread on the Dragon Door forum. I am an advocate of NOT 'warming up' before training. I find it useless and it does NOT prevent injury. Here is what others are saying. Warm-up or not?

Monday, September 14, 2009

'Over Confident'..... our middle name. A much needed break from the daily grind was accomplished very nicely at Ms. Patrick's establishment. She fired up the eggs and made some of the best pizza I have ever eaten. Seriously, she has it down. Mary's pizza showed a little less love but maybe next time she will put toppings she actually likes ON the pizza. Big thanks to Linnea for being a tremendous host. I have put the other 'gathering' photos on the N.E. KETTLBELLS Facebook page.
Now, getting back to training. A break is good but how much of a break is to much of a good thing? Well, there have been some studies. It all depends on what kind of athlete your training or what you are trying to preserve. This is according to a 2004 study by Issurin and Lustig Motor Ability; Residual Duration (days). Let's break it down...

Aerobic endurance = 30 +/- 5 days
Maximum Strength = 30 +/- 5 days
Anaerobic Glycolytic Endurance = 18 +/- 4 days
Strength Endurance = 15 +/- 5 days
Maximum Speed = 5 +/- 3 days

The two points this pulls is single efforts and basic 'cardio' DO NOT need to be trained every week. If your one of those that gets on a stepper and beats your self sweaty daily, your not training evenly. Move to a strength component. Which brings me to my next point. Add a strength movement (a load) to endurance (VO2) and you still have a least 10 days that a person can skip training that specific area and still MAINTAIN. This is staying at the same level...not increasing ones performance. So, If your trying to perform better you need to step up beyond these limits and back off before the over training limits. The standard is hit VO2 once a week. If you over train, the body can't recover and rebuild. It is the rebuilding that makes you stronger. A kettlebell at home is a requirement if your only making it to class once a week. Let me rephrase that, A kettlebell at home that you use is a requirement.
Tonight we work on snatch efficiency. We will work to fatigue in order to work on the body mechanic of efficiency. Gloves would be good.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Bad knees, bad hips, microscopic tears, inflammation, compression fractures, shin splints, dehydration, bad back and more. These are all the signs of running poorly. Everyone thinks they can run. You just go run...right. The stress put on your joints and body is not joke. If your going to run then learn from some of the best HOW to run. Don't mess with your joints. Learn proper stride. Learn heel strike angles and get some feedback on your posture while your running. We have access to Leslie Branham-Paulsen. She is RKC and a volume of other certifications. Look at her!! She is in fantastic condition and she is a running coach. She can teach you about running. She is a personal trainer and running coach. Need I say more? I could say she is very high level but you know I wouldn't suggest somebody that wasn't on their game. Before you lace up the shoes, contact her for training and save yourself injury or setbacks. I thought of her this past weekend when I was watching the weekenders run the countryside up north. It looked painful for them. I see less pain in my class...but more intensity.
The bells will be swinging now. No more excuses for taking breaks. Kids are in school and I have no plans until winter break to take a break. Get ready to turn it on!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Free is always good...

...especially when it comes to improving the way you move or feel. Jc has been fantastic at providing us with free massages during training time and many of you have seen her outside of the class. Now another free offer has graced our path. Lauren Asheim is giving free Kundalini yoga and Meditation classes each Friday for the rest of the month. Classes are from 5:30-7 pm. Yes you will miss KB class but you can see us on Saturday morning. Check out the link here. Anything that moves the body well and settles the mind is a good thing. A card can be found with the information on it at the studio as well.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Threw caution to the wind.....

..and slapped a PR on my shoulders. I had to burn an hour and a half this morning before I was able to go to bed after working the night shift. So, I thought I may as well go to the studio and get some training. I assessed my hands and found them to be in very good shape. I didn't want to train anything technical so I put snatches on the menu. Looked at my hands again and said "Screw it!!" AC on high. Music up. Shirt off. Time to rip it up with the Max VO2. Grabbed a 20 kg bell (#4) and 80 sets/7 snatches per work set, later I was drinking a beer without one tear on my hands. I have blisters and sore areas but nothing broke. It was a long ride but I was motivated and had a little fire in my belly. This is a personal record for me. It wasn't easy. The last 12-15 minutes I was being very deliberate on how I moved the bell. Now I can take a shower and go to bed.
Friday and Saturday will be the same training. I have a special treat. Protect your hands! See you then!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We have resources.... just need to find them and ask the right questions. I got a great message from Leslie Branham Paulsen. She is tearing into the Secret Service Snatch Test at breakneck speeds. Recently she performed 250 snatches in ten minutes with the 12 kg bell. She made a great comment about the test. She stated that it "...brings a runner's endurance and mental toughness with the strength required of the kettlebell." I like that. Mental toughness. Going the distance with the SSST or Max VO2 without a doubt taps into the mental toughness. It's about desire. Accomplishment. Pushing the envelope and doing something at the edge of your abilities. But why? Why go thru the hell and subsequent hand care that follows. I guess we all have our own reasons. I do it to feel life. It's not the only thing that gives me a spiritual lift and mental cleansing. But it is one that carries with it a great deal of accomplishment and sweat equity. Nothing else in my life does to my body what a kettlebell does to it. So, I could never have this experience in my body without the kettlebell. Our daily lives lack any real intensity. I am not saying what we do isn't important. I am saying that REAL intensity can't be sustained over an eight hour day. Mentally we just can't handle the load. We manage more stress than anything else and this contributes to job 'burn-out.' Odd how a little intensity in your weekday can reduce the stress at work. It's a diversion but it is also a benchmark. How can you be stressed about the daily grind of work when your intensity is after work. National statistics have 13% percent of the american people as holders of gym memberships. A VERY successful gym has about 30% of their membership 'frequently' or 'actively' using the gym. That's 4% of general population based on a successful gym. Of that percent, what percent have any intensity in their training? 10% if your lucky! Stairmaster, stepper and tread mill babies slurping their sports drinks, watching Oprah and ending after one hour ( because thats a good workout ) make up the bulk of members. Please shoot me, stuff me and stick me in a corner if I ever become that drone. Look around the gym. You will have just a handful of members that stand out. Now take them and bring them to a kettlebell class. It isn't long before they wonder what the hell just happened to them. As you can see, our class is special and so are the members. What keeps bringing us back? We joke, but it is not the beer. It is the intensity. We feel after training. We see improvements and changes. Yesterday Kristin and Donna posted the #5 (53 lbs) for the first time. Ben is quietly becoming the incredible shrinking man. Bill and Jack have more mobility. Jon became more fluid with his movement. Deb grabs much bigger bells during training. These are just some of the observations I made by watching the progression of the students before and after yesterdays class. Keep this in mind as you come to and from class. Then start walking a little taller...proud chest. You' ve earned it!

Friday, August 7, 2009

It's the little things...

I spoke earlier of the pressing technique that was applied to my Marine Sniper friend at the previous RKC. That event was caught on film. After tweeking a few things, Chief Instructor Pavel moved him into pressing the Beast. It was a great thing to watch. I recently got an email from a very happy family member. After four years of not training with kettlebells, he's now sold. Why? Because he can comb his hair again. He hasn't been able to do that simple task with his operative shoulder since his surgery. He has been training with KB's for one month. Fortunately he has light bells otherwise I know he would do more weight (incorrectly) and screw things up again. Love the guy, but he is a stubborn power junkie.
I am back on track after 8 days of running in the woods. The diet suffered greatly but it was made up for by activity. Tonight we will bridge some gaps. I have been reminded of some old drills which may need to be revisited.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


...the training doesn't end just because your on vacation. This is how WE roll ! If your ramping down the training to rest and heal the body, your on the right path. If your just using a vacation to sit around and get behind in your training your way off track. We all know you can work up a lather in 10 minutes with the kettlebell. Vacationing is a great time to use more mobility and tension drills. Scrap the ballistics. Why walk around sore on vacation? Or, risk injury? Use this time to keep and stay mobile. More often than not a vacation is 'busy.' Sightseeing, walking, hiking, swimming, boating, carrying's very active. Bring your bell and stay mobile.
I'm out until Friday, August 7th. I will be on vacation and absent electronics. Train well. Keep the new people safe. Have fun. I appreciate everyone keeping things going and Paul for being the keeper of the crypt keys. See everyone tonight !

Monday, July 13, 2009

There goes June....

This summer is flying by. The new people are getting caught up on the training and things are looking good. You know there are dedicated folks out there when you get a picture of their bells "on vacation" rather than them. Anyway, this is Matt and Rachels bells on Madaline Island. Aren't they lovely!! They look very well rested. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we will have a normal week of training. Thursday I am hosting a free KB workshop for anybody wanting to tweek their form. This is a beginners workshop. It is not an open gym. We will cover the basic stuff and then some. The time is 6 PM-8 PM. Spread the word to anybody wanting a very good intro to the KB world.

Monday, June 22, 2009

IT BURNS !!!!!

  It is toasty today!!! Personally, I love the fall and winter. For those of you that like it hot and muggy , you got your wish. Of  course, that doesn't mean the training is easier. I have the A/C on high and no plans for making friends tonight! We will start slow and easy and end on a high note. I finished my training this morning with a smile and thought..."they are gonn'a love this. So come well hydrated, plan for a night of fun out of the sun and remember...hell is in the shade.  Always thinking of you!

Friday, June 19, 2009

   This was a busy RKC. I am pretty sure this one drained me the most. Maybe because I know more about being an ass't each that I do more to incorporate myself into the weekend. I don't know. All I know is I am wiped out after each one and I didn't do any of the training. We had a great group of students this time around. The learning curve was very high. In many cases I wish we had just one more day...provided their hands could handle it.
  I have some new tidbits. I will sort them out. Nothing real dramatic. Just some stuff. Special thanks to all of the NEKB'ers that trained on Friday and Saturday. I appreciate you keeping up the pace when the mothership calls me for duty.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

RKC !!!

  Well, we are off and running for a the next RKC in St. Paul. The test this timearound has the participants doing everything but the TGU with pairs of KB's. Swing, squats, presses, cleans...not so sure about the snatch. We'll see in the morning. I tested and decoded to screw the weigh in and just perform the 100 snatches. My time was a personal record for me at 3:30. Felt a little light headed but overcame it quickly. My team leader was a t the very first RKC so I will get some great intel on how things were done in 2001. I am looking forward to a great weekend. Get in some training Friday and Saturday and I will post if I am not a zombie.

Monday, June 8, 2009

It's a "No Brainer".....

...for those of us already on board. But, for the ones that have not walked in the door the video link give a quick shot in the arm for the help understand why we do the voo-doo that we do...and do so well.  Today is business as usual. I opened up yesterday morning and did some windmills to 'fix' and realign what was broken from the ladders on saturday. There will be a little bit of that again today. Then it is back to work on the strength stuff.  WATCH THIS VIDEO  Nothing super exciting but a nice reminder of some basic talking points.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"What the Heck"

 Okay. I kicked a doorstop in my house barefoot and broke a toe. It hurt. Still does but I am on the mend. This is not the point. My point comes from todays training. I did 100 snatches with the 24kg bell in 3:45 min:sec. Heart was racing pretty good. Then I laddered  24kg, 28kg, 32kg, 40kg, and the Beast (48kg). For the ladder I did 10 swings at each step (50 total swings). Then I started at the bottom again and did 2 swings, clean(L)/clean(R), snatch(L)/snatch(R) without pausing. I went thru the entire ladder ending with snatching the Beast with each arm. What's my point? Well, my toe didn't hurt. I never even thought about it. Now, keep in mind, this toe throbs when I walk on it. Going up or down stairs I look like a hunch back as I baby that foot. So why didn't my foot hurt doing all the snatches and heavy singles? Because I was driving with my heels. This was my 'what the heck' moment. I did it naturally. Weight back. Heels pressing into the ground. I know this doesn't sound like a big deal. It speaks more to the core of our training principals. Trained properly the movement patterns should become second nature so you can apply them without thinking about them.

Monday, June 1, 2009


  I have received the latest copy of the instructors manual. I just finished reading the parts that are newer or have been unclear to me so I will pass them on to you. First, the Max VO2 is to be completed with the 16kg bell for the men. Very strong men can/could us the 20kg but the 24kg bell is reserved for mutants. Ladies use the 12kg bell. 18kg bell if your under 110 pounds. Women may use the 16 kg bell but they need to be serious mutants. The max VO2 is performed 15:15 (15 seconds of work:15 seconds of rest). 40 work sets is the goal. The beast challenge for women is done with the 24kg bell. No exceptions. The rest of the stuff  we are up to speed and current.
  I want to thank everyone for taking in the newer folk. Their pain is our pain. We remember the first time the bell took a bite from us. They are progressing just fine but please share YOUR stories with them about how you overcame your own hurdles. We are a group of very well conditioned folk. I know it doesn't seem like it but we really are top shelf. The last time we did the max VO2 we went  the distance...and then some.
  There will be some days in June that class will be an open for general play. Class is still held but the "dice" may be used or a game of "round robin" might be employed. If you have never been to an open class don't sweat it. Nothing changes. It is just like any other Friday or Saturday in spirit. Fast and loose!!! Take a beating and go home with a smile.    

Saturday, May 23, 2009

VO2 Max

  It was never about the first 40 sets or 280 snatches. It was always about the last 20 sets or 140 snatches. Are you gripping the bell too tight? Are you pulling with your back instead of driving thru our heels? It the bell landing on top with a nice packed shoulder or are you getting yanked around. These things are not detectable only doing a few snatches. but, do 560 snatches and your form/technique speaks volumes. I have a generalized ache this morning after doing the 80 sets with the 16 kg bell. Nothing too big. I feel generally tight or packed. Feels good. Next time I will step up to the 20 kg and open up that can of whoop-*ss. I am sure the world will be a different place. 
   I think we need a beer meter in addition to the sweat meter. It seems to me the more pain that is delivered...the more people stick around for a beer. It could just be me.
  Congrats to everyone that made the journey last night. Ben made the comment and I have to agree...we have a very strong group. Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


  I had two conversations in the past two days. One was with Deb which I started the other was with a random person in a coffee shop. He made the comment and I added the chorus. The thrust of the talks were how much is recycled. If your have a subscription to any magazine for a year, you can take the fist issue and read it again starting the second year. Nothing is new. Same old recipes, shoppers guides, workouts, health tips and cheerleading. As I read the Kettlebell Forums I have come to the same conclusion. The info' and conversations are recycled as each new group of new RKC's hit the forum. Stuff that had been discussed is re-discussed as if it were a new thought or idea. I find I am getting less and less from the forums. There is still the 'industry' back slapping and 'high fiving' to look forward too. People getting praised for mediocre lifts. It may be good or great for them but it is not worthy of national attention...just my opinion. A lot of really great lifts and feats are being buried by average stuff. Being proud of yourself is great. Feel good about it. I would pause before I got on a forum. Lose 110 pounds? Announce it to the world!!! Lose 40 pounds? Let's go celebrate with a pizza! Bottom line...hard-style is hard-style. Six or seven basic moves to keep your body satisfied with multiple variations to keep your brain satisfied. It's not rocket science. It's hard-style. Some will thrive in this environment. Some will become discouraged and leave to die elsewhere. It's all good. 

Monday, May 11, 2009


  Why not. Why is it we must be great at something before we try it in a class. Blows me away. I went to my first KB class raw. Unattended. By myself. In a room full of great KBer's. I keep getting emails from people that want to get in shape before they come to our classes. How do you get in shape for KB class if your not using KB's. Running will only help your running. Not your KB'ing. Drives me nuts.
   It is the Art-Whirl this weekend. Saturdays class is up in the air. I will know more on Thursday. The rest of the week is business as usual. No changes.
   Last Saturdays class was great. Actually it was more of an event. Won't get that at 'Curves'. Tonight we will do ground work. Building the better mouse trap.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


...laughing my *ss off. I wanted a picture of a pig for this blog entry. So I did what I usually do and stuck a key word into a google search.  I googled  "swine photo" and the above photo popped up. I love it! Gotta love the search engines AND they are never wrong. The reason for this post is the MN Dept of Health has confirmed the first person to have the H1N1 flu virus. They dropped the 'Swine' in flu. The pork industry was taking a hit. The creepying thing about this virus is the symptoms are so mild. Then you get nailed and your past the point of recovery. We should always be aware of who is coughing around us but be very careful over the next couple months. If the pattern stays the same this thing should die off fairly soon. Just be careful.

Monday, April 20, 2009

RKC !!!

  Had a great time at the RKC on Sunday. Many of you made it a point to be victims. Great effort. I think it is important to go and size us up with whatever else is out there and then come back knowing we are keeping step if not leading the pack. The Graduation training was changed due to the weather and it was nothing different than what we have done in the past when I say 'grab a weight you can hang with.' Roxanne had a great experience and she passed!!! Now she needs to heal for a week. I came across many old friends from previous Cert's. It is always good to rub shoulders with like minds. Thanks to everyone for participating. I highly encourage it in the future. See everyone tonight!! I am motivated for a fast and furious session. I have some inner demons that need un-leashing.

Friday, April 17, 2009


   I can't believe it has been ten days since the last entry. Summer is in full swing! The classes are getting smaller  since the days got nicer. It will be interesting to see who sticks out the training thru the hot months. KB aren't just for winter anymore...just kidding. Tonight will be fast and furious. Grab a weapon and hang on for as long as possible. Roxanne is dealing with her first full day at the RKC certification. I am going to cheer her on Sunday afternoon for the graduation workout I hope to see others there as victims and then getting there fair share of the discounted products. Bring a towel to class today. I think we will be pouring water.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The TGU...A final word

 Here is the final word on the Turkish Get Up. Listening to this I learned a few things. The main thing I learned was Steve Maxwell didn't invent the TGU. It had been presented that he had or was responsible for it. This is Gray Cook, co-founder of the CK-FMS explaining the
  I was talking about running Monday. It is a wide spread belief that anyone can run. Sheesh, just run if you want to lose weight. Well, Running properly is a movement pattern. First..very, very, very few people run. If your not getting in 7  minute or less miles...your jogging. To add to that, if your not jogging faster than 9 minute should be walking. You'll get there just as fast but your knees/hips/back won't hate you for it. Check out the running vid. Good stuff.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Is it a joke???

I think so...but, it has great merit. Below are two video links that have very different purposes. There is the mothership (RKC) and the other is the 'fitness industry.'  One could say that any exposure is good exposure and I would agree under one condition. Equal exposure. If someone said they tried kettlebells but didn't like the training and started talking about the fitness style I would say that they didn't  do service to themselves. On the other hand, I would bet this training is very effective. To be fair, he does draw a distinction between what we do and what he does.
  My son tested for his next level brown belt Saturday morning. Once again I had the pleasure of sitting in a room full of very talented, skill specific out of shape people. It is amazing. Additionally, at this movement center I saw kettlebells. So, I started looking for the the info' and sign up sheets to the classes. The flyer for the half-hour level one classes hit all the beneficial points we discuss with one exception. At the bottom it said, "This training is for those seeking a less strenuous work out." (insert crickets here)..... I picked my jaw up off the floor, grabbed my family and went home. I put this in the same category as the gang banger shooting the fully automatic assault rifle and when it jams he throws it on the ground and runs.  Without the proper KB instruction you may as well stay on the treadmill. 

Friday, March 27, 2009

Long Week

  It has been a long week of work and poor weather. I was hoping to move some things outside this week but it will have to wait. I have been cruising the internet and there is a lot of chatter about a lot of hoopla...again. Whatever happened to doing? I mean, just do it. I know it's a slogan but it speaks volumes. Com'mon...pick up the bell and do the reps. Pick up a heavier bell. Figure it out. This stuff is so basic it is just getting silly to go over time and time again. Yes, there is a technique. Okay. After that...move the dang weight! It won't move itself. If your doing it'll know it. It doesn't take a brain to feel the strain. If you think you hurt your back, you didn't. But it is a clear message that your going to if you continue down that path. Everyone is making stuff up. I get it. 
  To survive in this field you need to pimp yourself and get out there to be seen. Self promotion is the key to a healthy pocket book. Remember, if I call myself "the worlds leading authority in kettlebell training" it is not a lie. It is an opinion and it is legal to say or advertise this way. Just look at Sarah Lurie.  Now, I would be an idiot to say such things. Given the fact that I was certified by Pavel. Therefore, he must know more than me. That's my opinion but not the opinion of others. The world is full of fitness expert that have the only answer. 
  I watch "The Biggest Loser" when I can because it is a great look into the mental state of the human condition. People that will only do the right thing when forced. What is that? I love how they walk on the treadmill. They are on a beautiful ranch in Sunny CA walking on a treadmill. Jillian (love her) will tell you she is the best trainer in the world. She said it to the camera. Her people walk on a tread mill. I weight between 190-195lbs. I can drop 5 pounds in as many days by eating right and killing myself in the studio. I do it all the time, especially when Donna gets into her baking mode and that crap is sitting around the house. I haven't been on a tread mill or stair master in  the past 3 1/2 years. Jillian's people weigh 300 lbs and can't lose 3 pounds in one week AND she is the best trainer in the world. Just ask her...she'll tell you.  NO!!! THEY DIDN"T BUILD OR GAIN MUSCLE TO OFFSET THE WEIGHT LOSS. Give me a break. To think that they go from morbidly obese to genetic super man/woman capable of gaining 4 pounds of muscle a week is retarded. Didn't happen. I only say this because I am at work rolling fat bodies all night long. They have installed cranes to the ceilings of the rooms to lift these people because nurses are killing their backs turning them. FYI-Nobody loses weight in the hospital. Your fat acts like a sponge from all the fluids we pump into you that your tissues swell. The more fat, the greater the potential. The fluid just fills those spaces. My point? Look in the mirror naked. Do you like what you see? Do you see what you want to see or do you see a life of over indulgence that needs to be curbed for a few months while your body heals. I was reading about plasma storms ( I will discuss this a little in class) and you don't want to have health conditions when the power goes out. 
  KB training is cutting edge and dumb at the same time. I have spent decades with complicated training 'cycles' getting great results. Looking back, the results were best if they were less compicated. Look at Marine Corp Boot Camp. Never touched a weight. Never saw a gym. Three months later I am in the best fighting shape of my life. Never felt that way again until I started training with KB's. Look at the amount of work we did on Wednesday. Are you kidding me? You killed yourself . How many hours would be needed to get that burn in the gym on machines. The strength is there. The last item would be the shape of the strength. That is only controlled by input..or, rather, 'put in'. Whatever you put in your mouth. See you tonight!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Here comes the changes.....again.

  I was on the forum last night for the first time in a week. I had a lot of catching up to do. There was the usual back slapping and self promotion to weed thru but one thing did surface. Once again Pavel is keeping the stakes high. I love this approach. Everyone is trying to get their number for the snatch test in order to certify. The focus is the number. Well, that's soon to be the past. We know the standard is the Secret Service Snatch Test  which requires 200 snatches in ten minutes. The RKC snatch test is changing to 100 snatches in five minutes for everyone. Period. Starting June from what I read. No more discussion groups. Funny thing is...people will rise to this challenge. 
  We are loading the hips today and working out the joints. The arm work is left over from Saturday just in case we still have a few wounded birds out there. See ya' tonight

Monday, March 9, 2009


  Okay, I am putting this up for your scrutiny. You have heard me in class and you have been training for long enough to know the difference. Click on the link below and take the time to watch the two videos. These video are being hailed as great efforts. Since they are now in the public domain they are subject to review. Look at the form and style. What do YOU think? Is this an example to follow. Is this performance one to hold up as 'the example?' Is the form safe? Is it a safe movement pattern? These performances are being boasted. Watch the vids with the TGU and the guy doing the snatches. What do you think? Click here. 

Sunday, March 8, 2009

More Chatter...

...on the forum about the clean. Not sure why this is such a difficult move for people. I still think volume is the key. They don't mention it much on the forum. No, they have all these tricky and slick descriptions to assist a person visualize what they are doing. That's not how it is done during the RKC. Nope. Volume. Rip your hands up volume. When your done 'hurting' yourself by slamming the bell into your body and get the awakening and rapture. Volume and seeing it over and over. Oh well, the forum continues. I will keep you posted. If something great comes across other than a bunch of people trying to talk smart about one of the basics...I'll let you know.
  I am broke. Busted. Trashed. Friday and Saturday took it out of me. I miss Jc !! As Pavel would say, "Simple and sinister."  We did TGU's and Two handed/bottoms up snatches. That's it. Anybody not feeling great? I mean it was work. Quite the meat grinder. But we did it. Think about the first time you started training. Compare that to the training we did FRI/SAT. Nice job, Rock Stars!!!  At least it was easy on the hands. 
  More grinds on Monday. We will destroy the presses and get those elbows straight. Hand friendly to be sure.
  Our ladies are heading to Ireland and we just lost one to Mexico for a week. Spring is in the air. I think the 'fever' is beginning to break.

Monday, March 2, 2009


 Tonight we will compress and grind our way through the training. Going heavy so we can practice the tension part of our training. This is a basic principle of hard-style and should not be lost in our training. Very hand friendly. Bring some grit.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

State Of The Union

   Completely unrelated to KB training...I'd like to pass this on.  I have a friend that never sleeps and his mind never rests. He has been working and meeting with people from the metro and Wash, DC area trying to get the Transportation Bill passed in Minnesota. This bill has caught the eye of Washington, DC as a way of fixing the economic crisis in the United States and has a growing following. That's right, Minnesota has the answer. It is an extremely important bill and a new way of looking at spending and our economy. Unfortunately the majority in congress are busy spending money to actually fix the problem. Here is a link to his blog. If you are serious about how we can fix these issues in Minnesota and the United States then read his blog from the bottom (first entry) up. It is a real eye opener. After a few minutes you just want to punch someone for being so foolish with our futures. Take a look.  Money as Wealth

Friday, February 27, 2009

Shovel Back???

 No 'sore back' here. Mother nature did her best but failed. Actually, I only shoveled the walk around the house. The snow thrower handled the rest. Nonetheless (one word), tonight we will make sure our trunks are in condition for whatever my befall us this weekend. This will be hand friendly. I know we have a lot of wounded birds from the Monday session. Wednesdays class was a big indicator. Trunk (core) will be the theme of the night. Stability and power drills. Get your shoveling in early. You may not want to rotate or twist tomorrow (just won't be that bad). Two final notes, the shirts have arrived. I am thrilled with the quality and they did wash well. Didn't seem to shrink at all. The cost is $15.00 or two chickens and a pound of rice. Additionally, Jc will volunteer her services and magic finger Saturday morning. I need to leave right after class but you can stay with her after class for as long as it takes to cure your ales (yes, ales)... just lock the door behind you. See you tonight. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Primary Colors...

   It's like a color wheel. There are the basic primary colors and then all the combinations that come from those basic colors. I am sure everyone is tired of hearing me talk about the basics. It has been said that the difference between a good athlete and a great one is their ability to master the basics. Body awareness. Situational awareness. The ability to read or see the field. Anticipate movements or patterns of your opponents. It is all encompassing. I have been watching a large surge in weight use and volume on the national level. All the young trainers and strength enthusiasts are really burning up the KB training. Each one is trying to top the other and claim their position in this emerging industry. The problem is...every week somebody is posting a major injury or surgical set-back. How can this be? I thought the bells were suppose to correct and build such a strong base that we became bullet proof ? Well, they do. The problem is the movement pattern. The people going for the big numbers and personal records are doing their detriment. They haven't spent enough time pounding the basics. Their bodies are taking the easy way out. That's what the body does. It takes the path of least resistance. That path is not the best for the body in most cases. It sends a ripple thru the structure and your most vulnerable spot takes the hit. Now, hit it countless times during multiple VO2 sessions........well, make your appointment now. Today we will start with the basics and move the body forward at a healthy pace.     

Friday, February 13, 2009

Feeling Lucky ???

 It's just an illusion. The pain will be real. Very real. Tonight we will play a sick and demented version of 'I go, you go.' We will use the much under used KB dice to pick our fate. Here's the kicker. Three dice will be in play allowing for double sixes to make an appearance as many times as statistically possible. It will prove to be a night of self discovery. So, " you feel lucky? Well, do you, Punk ?" (classic Clint)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Drilling The Basics.

  Heavy and basic tonight. Or should I say, 'basically heavy?' Either way, strength and floor work will get us thru the night. Jc will work out the kinks in her usual fashion. She plans on being at the studio just after 1700.   

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Here is the long version...

...of what we did on Saturday. The Max VO2 is a long trip but there is a method to the madness. No real magic.  I just think it is a great exercise in management. Pain management. Emotional management. Strength and endurance management. It's the whole package. Here is the link to a very good blog entry on VO2 work. Keep in mind, there is a segment of the fitness community that dismisses this type of training  as pointless. But, we don't train the VO2. We dabble with it. I don't feel a need to go 30 or 40 minutes. Really. What's the point.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Just a swingin'...

   Swing, swings and more swings. Easy on the hands. Foundational movement. Cardio. Strength. Grip training. Engages the hips. Broadens the back. Fixes the knees. Pulls the neck/trap into alignment. High tension at the bottom. Light at the top. Packs a punch. 
   I can't say enough about the windmill. Strength. Flexibility. Fixes lower back, shoulders and rotators. Blasts forearms during the static hold. Addictive. These two drill were the minimums not very long ago. Things have changed but the best still remains. Tonight we will revisit the original minimums in a way that will make you a only need these two basic moves to become bullet proof.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

   Last night was a great night of training. Kristina started the show with a 5 gal water bottle (full) turkish get up. Everyone kept the massage therapist Jc busy and that is always appreciated. Her plans are to return to us in 2 weeks for another Wednesday of fixing your wounds. I can't say enough about our classes and the effort put out by everyone last night. Additionally, I want to thank you for putting up with the filming and pictures. Again, the lighting didn't help so very few turned out like I had hoped. Either way, there is enough of a sample to show off the people and the place. Again, thanks to all. I will edit the training video and hopefully have it on the net tonight or early tomorrow. Thanks again!!!!

P.S. Snatches on Friday (and maybe Saturday) toward the end. High volume. Get your hands ready. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


  This is the theme for the night. The 'good' will be provided by Jc, massage therapist with an edge. She is bringing her traveling groan show to us. Her followers call her the Terminator. This can only be a good thing. I will provide the 'bad' and  use this night as a pairs night. Stick to a basic blueprint of strength, mobility, function and ballistics. Sound familiar? It is. One exception. We will do it all at the same time. This way, when you decide to step out of training to visit with the massage therapist you won't feel as though you are missing out on training. Simple and sinister is the KB mantra. 
  I have said many times that we are not the only show in town. I think our structure is the best for people trying to gain mobility, strength, regain flexibility and bridge training between their activities or sports. The formula I use 70 % of the time in class 'fixes' things. Backs, knees, shoulders elbows. If you have a weak spot, you will know it. Plus, our price point is unbeatable. Getting the word out is the problem. A few weekends ago a booth was manned by some friends of mine. Franz showed up with his video camera and caught some of the action. Look at the second video from the L.A. EXPO. (click here)

Friday, January 23, 2009



   Pickled. Petrified. Blasted. Useless. This would describe my legs over the past 2-3 days after the pistol/gun swinger training on Wednesday. What is it with legs and the 2 day pain delay? Pistols. What can I say. "Don't you be hatin' on the pistols!!!" keeps running thru my head as I am trashing my legs one at a time.  
  Thanks to everyone for putting up with my photo session. More are coming. I really need to get some new pictures on the website. The studio is  starting to take shape. Shirts are coming. I am getting another pair of 24's and 28's tonight! We are on the move. I haven't found anyone that likes the finish on the Russian Reds we added to the mix. So,  that discussion is put to bed. No more Reds. 
Tonight we will work out the 'kinks'. Get the body in motion. Think Ballistics!! 

Monday, January 19, 2009


Tonight Terry 'Two-Feathers" will be calling the shots.  This is a great opportunity to have another person come in and mix things up a little. Like I said before, she is 'hard-style' but brings her own angle to the table. I know things will go well. Wednesday I want to get the class picture between 6-6:15 pm. See you Wednesday!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


  The stage is set. Tonight it's 'the long haul.' Bring training gloves and be prepared to engage. Bring warm clothes for the ride home. This is not the time to catch a chill. We will jump right into it. The idea is to work at a constant rate/pace. The volume will be up there but not as high as we have had it in the past. That's not the stress factor. The tension and stress comes from the pace. It will be a fair pace. Fair to everyone with enough variations to give the body recovery. This will be great!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


So, we go for five...maybe ten minutes at a time. It is work. We get thru it. Its more than the average person would do to themselves. We pat ourselves on the back. Now, watch the YouTube videos below of the legendary Valery Fedorenko. He retired years ago after setting some amazing  records with the 24kg and the 32kg. Usually in pairs. He now teaches the sport in Ohio. In 2006 he came out of retirement and as a favor to the Arnold Classic he performed 2006 jerk presses with the 16 kg bell. This took over 2 hours. The video is only a few minutes. Take a peek. The other videos of him are just ..... well, he's the best in the world.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


  "What are kettleBALLS?" How do we explain ourselves. If we were in congress, the head of our party would generate a 'talking points' list. Pretty straight forward. Not so easy with the kettlebell. So, when asked, I say "it's a handful of hell that you couldn't handle." I say it with a smile and this will lead to more discussion. I have also found that the more I talk about it the less effective the explanation becomes. How can one little bell do so much? People become skeptical if they smell sales. We all know that seeing isn't believing. Feeling is believing. Somehow you have to get it into their hands. Then it is up to them to make it work. If your out and about and decide you want to bring someone to class to participate, make it a Monday or Wednesday if possible. Classes are more structured on those days. Fridays and Saturdays are more fast and furious. 'Don't hurt or maim your victim' is the first rule of training. I think it's a pretty good rule (for starters anyway).