Okay. I kicked a doorstop in my house barefoot and broke a toe. It hurt. Still does but I am on the mend. This is not the point. My point comes from todays training. I did 100 snatches with the 24kg bell in 3:45 min:sec. Heart was racing pretty good. Then I laddered 24kg, 28kg, 32kg, 40kg, and the Beast (48kg). For the ladder I did 10 swings at each step (50 total swings). Then I started at the bottom again and did 2 swings, clean(L)/clean(R), snatch(L)/snatch(R) without pausing. I went thru the entire ladder ending with snatching the Beast with each arm. What's my point? Well, my toe didn't hurt. I never even thought about it. Now, keep in mind, this toe throbs when I walk on it. Going up or down stairs I look like a hunch back as I baby that foot. So why didn't my foot hurt doing all the snatches and heavy singles? Because I was driving with my heels. This was my 'what the heck' moment. I did it naturally. Weight back. Heels pressing into the ground. I know this doesn't sound like a big deal. It speaks more to the core of our training principals. Trained properly the movement patterns should become second nature so you can apply them without thinking about them.
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