...CUZ' THE EMAILS KEEP COMIN' IN !! The main thrust is the VO2 Max was a great experience. Some wanted to quit but stuck it out. Some think they could have use a bigger bell or went up a weight. Just remember, this is the bench mark. From hear we move forward. You know your potentials and abilities so let's adjust for the next run at it. It won't be for a while for the obvious reasons.
A couple quick observations about nutrition. I am not big on nutrition. I know I can't "out snatch" my mouth so I keep the volume of stuff going in it down. I don't pay particular attention to what it is. I drink soda/pop very rare. It's the 'anything in moderation' approach. This does not apply to poisons. Recently I have done a lot of reading on three things; High Fructose Corn Syrup, Aspartame and MSG (Monosodium glutamate). The casual and safe level of consumption are off the charts. I have included links to the first two. MSG is a bigger bear to link primarily because there is so much conflicting info'. Everyone agrees it is a neurotoxin but the levels and effects depend on...the amount you consume. I know, duh. The others have nothing beneficial. All are products of 'brewing' from bacteria (aspergillus, E.coli, yeast). Basically, the waste product (poo) tastes sweet (who was the first sic' pup to put that in their mouth!). It is very concentrated. Easier to ship than sugar. Dissolves in everything. Cheap. Read the links above and you'll find it is making everyone around us fat and diabetic. And, it is a weird fat. Look at teenagers. This fat hangs near the organs. The midline. This is a new phenomenon. HERE'S THE PROBLEM. I looked around the house and then went shopping. A friend of mine (who has recently dropped about 4 notches in his belt loop by avoiding this crap) made this observation. You can't shop at Cub anymore. Everything has this stuff in it. If it comes in a box or a bag...you can't put it in you mouth. So yesterday I bought actual ingredients for things. I am on a new path. Primarily for my kids.
Do with the intel' as you please. Just remember one word that sums it all up...NEUROTOXIN.
I've been reading Michael Pollan's books lately: "The Omnivore's Dilemma" and "In Defense of Food". Fascinating/scary information in both of those. It definitely makes you look at EVERYTHING in the supermarket in a different light...
Why am I wasting my time and money at N.E. Kettlebells, when I could be doing this?
Kettlebells- The #1 Reason not to use them! | Martial Arts and Kettlebell Conditioning by Combat Sports Conditioning Expert Jason C. Brown
Ask me about the results with Raw foods ! I recently had my chef/health coach Eric Rivkin stay with me for a week. In that week I dropped below my plateau weight, down 3 lbs.Last summer I dropped 14 lbs in no time. My performance in training went way up and recovery time was instant.
I discovered wheat grass 2 yrs ago and eliminated my addiction to caffeine. I detoxed me to the point I couldn't handle the junk food in the world without a problem. I can also train with in one hour of eating raw.
Raw is a political way of eating too, it will certainly eliminate a lot of what's wrong with the world.
Remember to feed your body what it wants, stop killing your food by killing it, your hunger will go way down.
Many strength trainers are RAW, they have a secret, its time to listen !
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