It has been seven short years since the attacks on this great nation occurred. While we are building and dedicating memorials today and remembering the sacrifices made, parts of the Middle East are celebrating today as a National Holiday and building Theme Parks (using Mickey Mouses image) to promote terrorism. What a stark contrast of humanity. The best line I heard today was by Todd Beamer's (Todd made the famous statement "Let's Roll" on FLT 93) father. He said, "We've had many September 11's since 2001, but not one 9/11. There's a father with perspective.
Last night I had a Demo' at The GYM in Coon Rapids. Linnea and Roxanne showed to say 'hey' and swing some bells. I appreciate them sitting through items in my discussion they have clearly heard before. It went well, overall. Like anything, KB's require a certain amount of digestive juices to get through the training. Dudes and Dudettes alike need some grit.....the tough stuff just is not for everyone. I will need to give another demo' sometime soon in order to get a feel for the likelihood of having classes at this location. Good news is....those attending got a very good taste of KB training. No doubt they are cussing this morning....since 'sitting' probably isn't an option. There's love.
Word in the herd is some are gathering at the community center tonight for extra training. My guess is 5PM like always. It may be cloudy but not raining. I will be thinking of everyone tonight at work. Probably around 3 AM when I usually get on the internet and check out the world KB scene. See you Friday!!!
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