When Cher saw Terminator 2, She told her publicist to find out who trained Linda. She wanted to look like her. Well, Cher never got her body to look like Linda's. Cher is soft. Very soft. At the time, she would have been lucky to look like Sonny. When pushed about the specifics to Linda's training she talked about the heavy weights she was using. She was power lifting and , of course, dieting like crazy. Not restricting calories. Restricting the type of foods she put in her mouth. I love fall/winter. It allows you to pile on the clothes and then there is an unveiling in the spring. At the unveiling we get to see who has been doing the work all winter long and who has been 'storing' for the long winter. Last week I went shopping for some trousers. I have a 33 inch waist. I am a little thicker these days but my clothes actually fit better. So I grabbed some 34's figuring I will wear a belt with them (I am still in love with my double width bridal leather belt...things a weapon and I can set a drink on it). Anyway, the 34's were much larger than I thought. I grabbed the 32's. Same problem. I could pinch about 3-4 inches of fabric at the waist line. So I went home. Grabbed the tape measure. Sure enough, 33 inches. Actually closer to 34. So now I know. The industry is lying about their sizes. In a big way. Then I got on line and Googled womens dress sizes. Well, back the truck up. A mass of articles popped up about the way the industry is resizing and has been resizing the dress sizes to attract women to their line and make everyone feel better. The joke is, if they didn't have extra petite, the dress size would need to be 'minus one'. So now your a size six and have 35% body fat at a height of 6' 1". What is that? Crap. Can we say it again? Crapola. My point? Get a tape measure. This is how we measure success and failure. Yes, failure. Measure yourself today and every 2 weeks through the fall and winter. Are you getting the results you desire? If not, what are we going to do about it? You tell me. There are only two ways to change your body. 1) Eat less/more 2) Train less/more. That's it. Secrets out. Lock the doors. Pull the shades. Linnea P. told me recently she has lost well over 20 inches from her body. It was a total off her arms, waist, chest, hips, thighs. It illustrates the point that size comes off in layers. "Sheets" we like to say. You cannot target an area. Your arm may feel firmer because you are training arms more but we don't observe what you feel. The fat that constitutes 50% of the width of your arm is hiding what your feeling good about. Everyone has a six pack. It is just hidden by the extra layers on top of it. Time to get the look you want and watch the progress. This is going to be a looooong winter if you believe the Farmers Almanac and the fact that the acorns have dropped. No need to endurance diet for spring break if we start now.
Tomorrow. Heavy. Low reps. Bring your Grit!!
~nuf said.
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