Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Pavel directed a thread on the forum blog and it had to do with basics. Basic power lifting training. The trainers focused on four things: Dead lift, squat, bench press and competition. Thats it. There is no room out side these three lifts. There is another myth that all power lifters look like refrigerators. It's just not true. The 'open weight' class may look like that but the regular weight classes (especially the ones under 200 lbs) are lean and proportioned. KB training has 6-7 basic lifts. Each has a purpose and many variations. Add the tension techniques of 'hard-style' and you get a deadly combination of strength and cardio training. The key is to reach outside your comfort zone. Step-up. Grab a bigger bell by the horns and load yourself...proper. If the KB training is boring...the weight is too light. Simple.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Train the way you live.

One of the problems with machines (one of the gazillion problems) is they don't train you the way you live. The machines are designed for limited movement. This will be the product from using movement. Some argue that it is 'better' for some populations due to the frail nature of their conditioning. This 'at risk' group is never short on their own expertise advice. "I can't because =insert excuse here=". The very motion they claim to hurt them can be performed if you teach them how the joint is designed to move. Not how they want it to move. Now, just add a load and the strength comes without the use of machines and the movement is mechanically correct because your the machine. You are never using a joint outside its range of designed motion. Mass marketed fitness centers service the masses and generally do the public good. The majority will not get great results. They are just doing. They are not understanding what they are doing. Perceptions need to change and evolve for life long results. It is a hard reality for anyone that has spent a lot of time in the gym. It's like finding out there isn't a Santa (what?). Keep you mind open and follow the rules of training. Sport specific training is a myth. Skill specific? Yes. Sport specific? It's just marketing and people feeding a need to belong to a group and be extremed sported (if thats a word...lets make it one). Keep this is mind as we train tonight and Saturday morning. Train the way you live and keep balance.
Sunday, December 21, 2008

I love this time of season. I really do. I love the lines. I love the crazies. I love watching people kill themselves to have Christmas. It's a great time of year. We, on the other hand, kill ourselves year round.
Friday, December 19, 2008

In keeping with the new tradition, Fridays and Saturday mornings will be fast and furious. We will go for heavy conditioning and cardio today and Saturday. The Max VO2 was built around the snatch. We will use the snatch for starters. Posts (two-handed bottoms up snatch) will be the next step down. Swings will be the final fall back postion. Hand care and wear...think about it. This will a test of going the distance. You can do it. No problem. Think happy thoughts or just listen to the music. See you at 5:00 pm.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
HINT, HINT......

Now that our legs have been trashed with leg work and the pistols on Monday, it's time to get into some high tension/low volume work. Easy on the limbs but work just the same. Grinds are especially good for such a thing. We will be able to stretch out the hammies, get some rotational work in as well as shoulders and back. We will do it all with one movement, executed properly. If you have long sleeved shirts for training, today would be a good day to wear them.
Sunday, December 14, 2008

...but I can! So I answered the cries this past weekend. First , with Marks Blazer we picked up the shelves. So, feel free to bring a shoe box or something similar so you can leave behind shoes or gloves. Second, I rigged up the whipping post for our future enjoyment...and the future is here. We will work on some very simple and safe movement patterns that are sure to please. Remember, the more simple it is ... the more sinister. The parking lot was very much like little swimming pools on Sunday. Expect crappy control now that it has frozen solid. Come in the back way and avoid the ice slide off Central until we know for sure it has been salted well. Be careful.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why? Why ? Why? Simple. Really, if you think about it. There will always be something. Something that we can't do. If the old standard is applied we will continue to change things as soon as we get comfortable or capable of doing whatever it is we were doing. Change it and make it harder. If you can't do a pull-up train until you can. Then do two. Three. Add weight. More weight...and so on. We won't do this all the time but I think most reasonable people will agree. You should be able to pull your body up, men and women, at least once. Now what about this 'skin the cat' move? Well, it wasn't the full skin the cat. Just bring your knees to the bar. You have done it in the past. Your body is capable of doing it. We just need to ask it a few more times. And we will. Franco Columbo once boasted he was the strongest man in the world per pound based on every movement in the gym. Quite a boast. He probably was the most all around in strength based on his body weight. Strong like and ant. Wednesday We will review snatches and introduce a "corkscrew" technique. We had seen it in the pass but never drilled it. It will help save your hands. It won't save them, but it will help.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I just don't know what to do with myself. I am so psyched that I am not in a cold garage, pressing cold bells that would freeze to my gloves, that I could spit. And, just in the nick of time. It is cold out there.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Okay. So it wasn't Monday. Tuesday is a close second. The carpet is in AND I was glad to see the artsy fartsy types relaxing on the loading dock. As a matter of fact, they were relaxing so much they managed to leave behind some of the pot they were smoking. Oh,... poor artsy fartsy types. What will they do without their ganja for creative power. I really was waiting for one of them to come and knock on the door and say, "hay mon, got my doobage?" Ya', I got your doobage. No, you can't have it back. Your too stupid to be smoking pot. Have a nice day. Anyway, doobage aside, training went well the first official day even though we were hopping over seams. Now the stuff is in. By 'stuff ' I mean carpet. If I am not too stoned on Wednesday we will do some strength floor work that is long over due and then hit the bells (no, that isn't more stoner talk...I really mean to train with the kettlebells). Get some rest. Drink lots of fluids (I have a horrible cotton mouth). See you Wednesday!!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Monday is "Carpet Day".....I hope.

I met the guy and he measured and went hunting for the 'stuff'. I got the call. The holiday was already cramping our style. So...according to the powers at be, we will have carpeting on Monday. Just in time. The bells have arrived. They are getting all warmy. The bells started sweating as soon as they got inside. I think it's a sign. Other preparations will continue thru the weekend. One change to the weeks schedule. We will not have the open house on Tuesday. I have just run out of time. I have not circulated the flyers yet. This day will be rescheduled for sometime in December. Hopefully the holiday won't mess us up too bad.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
got keys?

That would be a 'yes'. We have 3 more classes at Wilshire Park and then we move to the new location as of Dec.1 st. I walked in today and fired up the heater to start warming the walls. more cold bells. The heater rocks. For me this represents a vacant garage. One I may actually put my car in during the winter. And did I mention the warm bells? Just another thank you to everyone that has opted in for the charter memberships. It's one thing to talk about doing it but it is another to actually do it...thanks again. Tuesday we will train with singles. You know what that means...pick wisely!! See you then.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
N.E. Kettlebells/Five Point Kettlebells LLC
Thanks to everyone for calling to ask for additional information. I want to apologize for the delay in my response. It has been a crazy busy week for me and I knew if I just sat down and wrote to everyone I could address everything at once.
Here we go.
This is open to anyone! Anyone that pays the first month. Anyone that has trained with me in the past. Anyone with whom I have shared a beer. Anyone. The deal with the charter membership is you retain and stay at $65.00 a month as long as you don’t miss a month. After Dec.1st, if you disappear and come back, the only way to get back down to $65.00 is to buy a three month package. The three month package will include sales tax. All memberships will include sales tax except charter memberships. Additionally, charter memberships will disappear from the payment options. If you are a charter member you are one for the length of your sustaining membership. I will not offer these openly again. The beginning monthly fee scale is as listed below. Fees due the first of each month.
Charter member $65.00
New member $99.00 + tax
Intermediate member $79.00 + tax
Block of 3 months in advance $195.00 + tax
Drop in rate per class $20.00
Payments are made to me either thru the mail or in class. Not attending class is not an excuse for a late payment. I am working on a new website and it will have the ability to take payments on line. PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP THRU THE COMMUNITY CENTER. If you have, nothing will change. I will get that list and it will apply to the new location with all the rights of membership. IF YOU WANT TO BE A CHARTER MEMBER EMAIL ME AT FIVEPOINTKETTLEBELLS@GMAIL.COM AND SPECIFICALLY SAY “ I WANT TO BE A CHARTER MEMBER”. I will put you on the list.
Checks will be made out to ‘ Five Point Kettlebells ‘
Payments can be mailed to: FPKB, 3150 Pierce St NE, Mpls, MN 55418
I will not keep money on the premises. If paying in cash, please don’t require change or give a partial payment that you may want to apply to the next month. All payments thru the Community Center will be honored during this transition. My new training schedule will apply, not the one listed in the Community Center book.
MONDAY 5:00-6:00 PM
6:15-7:15 PM
WEDNESDAY 5:00-6:00 PM
6:15-7:15 PM
FRIDAY 5:00-6:00 PM
SATURDAY 8:30-9:30 AM
Members may attend as many classes in one month as they wish with one exception, Tuesday is invite only. Tuesdays class is not meant to be divisive. I made the mistake of originally calling it an ‘advanced class’. This set off a few alarms and I heard about them. It’s okay. To be fair I didn’t pick my words properly. The intermediate class is not structured or supervised. Think of it as ‘open gym’. You will be able to come in and work on or train whatever you wish. I will be on site to discuss technique. Show some things...whatever. I will be doing my own thing. You need to have a certain level of skill to be safe enough for me to turn you loose in an open gym setting. That means doing snatches with the power coming from the hips. Swings with the power from the hips. Wrists straight. Elbows straight. Hips squared during rows or bear crawls. Back leg straight while doing windmills. See the pattern? Body awareness !! I have been more slack in the past because the training days were much more limited. KB’s are a skill !! The skill must be attained from training. One day a week won’t do it in MOST cases.
Some behavior changes need to be made. The biggest change will be class start time. Now that there are more class offerings start times will be enforced. In the past we had to deal with the limited meeting times available so we needed to be more flexible with start times.This needs to change. HERE’S WHY !! I will teach the first half of the class. The second half hour will be application and beat downs. If you weren’t there for the can you apply it? In order for this business to survive I will need to expand membership. New members must see members arriving on time in order to pattern them into a behavior of being on time. They will do what you do. I can’t have people coming and going at their liberty. Well, I take that back, you can leave anytime. ONE EXCEPTION-Intermediate Members may arrive late but please join the class quietly and respectfully. But clearly you can see the importance of having a start time with everyone in the class and no distractions. The fifteen minute transition between classes will be respected and additional visiting after class can take place in the coffee shop or hall way. I don’t want to compete with your voices during the next half of instruction. If your going to stay for the additional class on Mon/Wed (nothing wrong with 2 hours of training) just understand that it will be a close mirror of the previous hour. Beat downs may vary and I will tailor things to those attending at each class for the beat downs. Tuesday training will not start until the third or forth week of December. Please do not attend Tuesdays training unless you have heard from me specifically. Please do not assume open class is available to you. I will contact members individually. Again, the intention is to provide a safe environment for you to train. You must have a safe skill level in all the skills. Not the ones you favor or practice at home. Ask yourself this, are you confident with the movement or do you say ‘I hate’ or ‘I can’t ‘ do these ? That kind of language will not be apart of the Tuesdays open sessions.
I am very excited about this venture. Its success will be dependent on the quality of its members. We have a very high quality clientele. KB’s are not for everyone. It’s work. Hard work. No slacking. Look around the class. We are average folk with a forged will undetectable outside of class. A person needs a fair amount of digestive juices just to get thru the training. Our numbers will always be small because this type of training doesn’t reward you with the warm fuzzy other gyms offer. We sweat. We ache. We push beyond our limits. We break barriers. Blow away myths and laugh about it. We earn the right to look at other forms of training and immediately see the faults and errors of their ways. We care for our hands and speak of hand care in ways others don’t need. Why we do this......I don’t know. But we do and we are so much better for it. Now we have warm bells thru the winter. A place to call our own with unlimited potentials. New implements of torture will be added at intervals. This is how we like....dare say, love it without sounding too much like a ‘pain freak’. That being said, I look forward to hitting it hard very soon with a group of people I have grown very fond of AND look forward to “beating” and “being beaten by” more frequently !!!
With deep respect~Michael
Friday, November 14, 2008
Legs have recovered from Tuesdays insult quite nicely. Hip flexors seem a little tight in part from Tuesdays training. Some mobilty drills and hip work will be in order.Get those out of the way and then open it up to a nice prolonged KB session. Bring some warm clothes for the ride home. Seriously, now is not the time to catch a cold. Keep the head and spine warm. When your finished training and the back is warmed up and loose it is prime time for alignment issues. Be very careful. Your body needs to stay warm to stay healthy post training but, your back doesn't like being warm and loose. It's quite the pickle.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Well, Here is a reasonable picture of the space I found. The idea is to get some color into it soon. We would have a loading dock entry and warm bells year round. The floor is concrete. That is good and bad. Easy to clean but cool in the winter. I have looked into rubber flooring. It will have to wait. Approx' cost is $3000-$6000.00. We can live in it a while until it is determined where rubber is useful. Use your imagination. Think rings, pull-up bars, kettlebells and other implements of torture. Parking is great to the south along the building and RR track. It is an odd shape but, let's face are we. Another walk thru is today at 4:30 pm (1618 Central Ave N.E.) I love the idea we can keep this N.E.
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wow, what a great session on Friday. I have not done anything like that in a while so I felt it on Saturday and Sunday. Thanks to all that joined me. The new session begins on Friday. We will revisit the basics and the theories behind Hard-style training. New people will gather a better understanding of what is happening to them while veterans will use heavy bells to illustrate the point. Like the saying goes, 'if it is boring then it is too light'. This is going to be a productive week. I hope it generates some productive news about training locations. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for anything that may be suitable. Winter is approaching fast. Tuesday training is on the list provided it is not raining. I will email the group. Enjoy what remains of the indian summer.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Well, maybe I was a little bored. The kids got a kick out of it this morning.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Just when you thought it was safe...The rules change. The Feb. RKC ushers in a new era. The new snatch test rules are as follows.
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Well, maybe not a great shocker but a big surprise to be sure. I was stiff after the mild training on Friday outside community center. I think it was the double press overhead walking that got things fired-up. Either way it was just the six of us in the cool breeze talkin' smart and training light. The large groups are fun and great for the program, but small groups are more personal and allow for some specific training. Thanks to everyone that made it and for contributing to the selection of lifts we performed. I was looking at the VERTICAL ENDEAVORS website today thinking we should put some of our strength to the test and climb some walls. This would be a FPKB sponsored event (no cost to you) and I would need a commitment in order to reserve the space and instructor. I have never climbed the boulder walls before so I would set up a group lesson for everyone. Then, we climb at will. Tuesday is a snatch day...BRING GLOVES. I hope your weekend is a good one.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Yesterday I had a great KB meeting/discussion that lasted all morning. By the time I got home it was time to pick up the kids. It was such a beautiful day they wanted to go to the we did. I saw some classmates delivering a beat down to each other at the Community Center and taking full advantage of the weather. Very cool. Some people just won't take a day off. When I got home that night it was time for my training. On the menu was pull-ups. Tactical pull-ups. Body weight only. One perfect pull-up...then walk over to the counter..'click' perfect pull-up...walk over to the counter...'click'...and so one. It took 50 minutes to get in 150 pull-ups. I never broke a sweat. I did each one perfect/strict. I didn't breathe heavy. I felt a slight "pump" in my forearms from crush gripping the bar but that's it. It was a very mellow training cycle. Grabbed a little ice cream and went to bed. I remember rolling over around 4:00 am and seeing that I still had a couple hours so I went back to sleep. When my alarm went off I reached for it and it was at this time someone either stabbed me in the side with a long knife or hit me in the ribs with a sledge hammer breaking my ribs. The pain shot from my arm pit to my waist. When I tried to roll off to the side my abs connected with my spine and cut off my breathing for a moment. I felt like I had been beaten, dragged and left for dead. My point? All work is cumulative. I have not done this type of a drill in maybe 6-8 months....and my body knew it. It has been a long day but I am finally feeling pretty good. The headache is gone and I am going to drink a beer.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Boy, I sure can tell when my 'other' life becomes a little more demanding. I lose all sense of time.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I have been saying for years that boys have the same self image issues that are just as damaging as girls. A girls will manifest itself as eating disorders (starvation diets) while the boys manifest itself as eating disorders (gorging food). Yes, Taking in 4000 cal a day is not good for you or needed for the growth they want. Isn't it odd that weight gain for guys is required. Athletic boys in high school don't want to look like athletes. They want to look like bodybuilders. A collection of parts. Big bi's, tri's, lat's and legs. It is improper to add the size without adding the proportionate strength. Skinny legs? A mans worst nightmare. Forget the fact that it gives springy strength. Less mass to move when delivering a kick therefore quicker and delivers more force. Requires less nutrition for performance and you can buy your clothes off the rack. Ron Morris RKC made a comment to me when I first started training with kettlebells. After about 5-6 months I was buying one of his shirts. I grabbed the Xtra Large size and held it up just for sizing. He looked at me and said, "No more xtra larges for you." He was right. I have been wearing large ever since. How can I lose muscle size and yet be stronger than in the past. Muscle recruitment is one answer. Using my body more efficiently is another. Strength is a skill. Forms follows function. It always will. Today, I want my legs and glutes strong. They will be whatever shape that requires. I look at my body as a whole these days. I haven't done a curl or tri-cep extension in 3 years. Pistols, pull-ups, swings, TGU and snatches. Done. These simple but sinister movements will make you road worthy. Period.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Master RKC Andrea Du Cane gave a demo on how the arm should be positioned for a press. The beginning and the end position should be the same. Very stable. Controlling your breathing so the effort becomes effortless. Your breathing should match the force generated. Quick, explosive movements...quick explosive breaths. Long enduring efforts should have long compressed breaths for maximal gain. Compressed as if bracing for a punch but breathing behind the shield. I was instructed to get into a press position while she started pulling down on the top of my hand. Soon her feet were off the ground. Very cool demo'. It punctuates the point nicely. Glutes, abbys, quads all tight.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Another great certification this weekend. Everyone on Team Du Cane had tremendous success and improvement. Even though not everyone passed they should be proud of their efforts and the transformation that took place in their techniques. The kettlebell does not favor one type of person over another. It will punish us all equally. Brett Jones made it very clear some time ago..."it's called a challenge for a reason".
Friday, September 19, 2008
IT'S ON !!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008
SEPTEMBER 11, 2008 A Day of Remembrance...

It has been seven short years since the attacks on this great nation occurred. While we are building and dedicating memorials today and remembering the sacrifices made, parts of the Middle East are celebrating today as a National Holiday and building Theme Parks (using Mickey Mouses image) to promote terrorism. What a stark contrast of humanity. The best line I heard today was by Todd Beamer's (Todd made the famous statement "Let's Roll" on FLT 93) father. He said, "We've had many September 11's since 2001, but not one 9/11. There's a father with perspective.
Monday, September 8, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008
When I am having a conversation with a long time 'gym rat', the first real topic of concern is the back pain. They all have it. Not so much the power lifter community. More so, the body building community or casual gym goer. Of course, nobody likes to be called a casual gym goer. But, if you can miss 2-3 months of training (because your life got busy and pulled you from the gym) and then return and hit your previous level of conditioning within a few short weeks...well, your not one of those people that gains quickly. No Sir. The reality is you were never very strong or conditioned. Not that you didn't have success, it was just on a 'gym machine' scale. Conventional wisdom states- when your back hurts, go light with the back work out. Better yet, go to a 'back' machine and use light weights. That is the conventional wisdom. Problem is it will keep you in a cycle of discomfort. As you age the normal age related degenerative changes kick in and your pain and discomfort continues to increase. Why is this? Why isn't the high-rep back machine training fixing the problem? The reality is your routine is aggravating your condition. Your wearing out your parts at a pace faster than normal due to this high rep training. STOP! STOPPITY STOP, STOP, STOP!! Enter "Slow Strength". Pavel writes of it in his book 'Enter the Kettlebell' (ETK Chapter 3). I will highlight the principle here. Slow strength is the guts to grind it through. The grind of strength training. It builds real strength. Slow strength is the ability to exert the greatest force regardless to the time it takes. The grind ( a matter of fact, I do love that word. Thanks for asking.) 'Strength endurance' is the opposite side of the same coin. Most people over train strength endurance and under play slow strength. Power is strength times speed. But before you can endure strength, you must develop it. Quick, explosive, high rep lifts are the corner stone of endurance strength training. This is your conditioning. But do you have strength to condition? Where is your lean, powerful slow strength muscle? If the muscle isn't there your breaking down what little muscle is there. Now you better hope your body can repair itself before you attack it again. Otherwise you are in a cycle of deconditioning. Chew on this as we do todays training.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Class starts Tuesday at Wilshire Park in the multipurpose room. Sign up early, please. The program Director is out of office on personal business so we need to give the office staff a little help and not make special adjustments due to late entry. Thanks for your understanding. Have a great weekend and Holiday!!
If it doesn't open, Just copy and paste to the address bar. You gotta' see this!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Just to clarify
Friday, August 22, 2008
I am not making a reference to anyone. I just need to purge a little. We are so visual when it comes to strength. I can not make this clear enough...the size of the muscle does not determine it's strength. The strength of the muscle determines it's strength. I know that sounds silly and seems obvious especially to the hard-stylers that have been with me a while. But it won't go away. Just recently I was in this discussion again. "Look at my muscle. This arms much stronger." =gasp= No, the other arm is less trained. Simple. Your 'weak' arm will get 'stronger' just by asking it to do more. Start making the new connections with your less dom' arm or leg. It is a little outside the comfort zone. The coordination isn't there...yet. Mentally you know you can't do as many with that leg or that arm so you don't. It's self defeating. You tell me it's your weak side. I tell you 'show me'...pick up the bell and do the movement. I see your movement is poor. The pattern is outside the groove. The wrist and elbow is bent. So your attempt is poor. The other side you do everything right so it is a successful lift. If you could just see what I see.
This has been a good summer for training. We have a great core group that enjoys rolling around on packed dirt and dead grass while dirt clouds pass over us. Rapture. Tuesday, Sept 2nd we are back at Wilshire Park Elementary School. I am really going to miss the extra training days. I would like to see more days available to us but it will not happen through the Community Center. It is a tapped resource. The few extra Wednesdays are just a fluke. I can't make them mine. I am looking throughout the N.E. area for a space. We need 1600-2000 sq/ft and access to a bathroom. That's it. Seems pretty simple. I will have more time to explore this after the holiday. In the meantime, if anyone knows of a warehouse space or something similar...shoot me an email. This winter it would be nice to hand out "cold one's" that we can drink rather than swing. Those bells do get frosty!!
See you then!
Friday, August 15, 2008
TURKISH GET-UPS (TGU) and FEMME FATALES's a get-up not a sit up....This rings so true considering the performance of our two femme fatales. Wednesday we played with big weights and the TGU. Laurie AND Sarah did nice, strong controlled TGU's with the 20kg KB (#4). They can't press that weight. They can't do a sit-up with that weight. But they locked it out on their backs and got up with it on a uneven and dimpled surface. AWESOME EFFORTS. Who needs the Olympics. We are breaking personal records every day. This is what it is all about. Staying safe. Getting stronger with nice lean muscle. AND, learning to use your body more efficiently. My friend Smith (that is his first name, btw) was there trying out the KB training for the second night. He is a strong guy and long time gym member. His comment about the TGU, "This is hard." I wanted to correct him with, "No, this is hard-style." But he seemed a little distracted by the weight the ladies were posting. I was humbled during my first contact with KB's under very similar circumstances. I was smoked by bear crawls and renegade rows. I was also between two ladies pulling twice the weight I had been given. I loved it. A door opened and I was shown a new definition of strength.
I am slowly falling in love with the TGU's. The beauty of this motion is clear. The effects are felt with the fist set. No special talent or flexibility is needed. Just a willingness to lay on the floor on your back. For some reason this seems outside the norm. We don't lay on the ground for training in the U.S. Well, we do now and it is proving itself very usefull.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
This is the best definition I have seen. So I stole it from the blogs. Thank you Mr. Walsh.
"Hard-Style" chooses power over effeciency and chooses techniques proven to be most effective for max force application. It uses maximal accelaration in quick lifts and maximal tension in the slow lifts. It is the practice of the skill of compression, maximizing tension in the muscles, compressing the joints, compressing the breath and focusing the body's "scattered" energy into a single directed effort. We work to eliminate power leakages by improving the kinetic linkage from the ground up. We work to master the ability to tense and relax when appropriate (tense-loose-tense). We have an internal focus. The kettlebell is a tool to teach the skill of body mastery.
So having said that...we work and train. It is not a work-out. That happens along the way. Practice is the objective. Lots and lots of practice.
The photo? It has nothing to do with kettlebells and everything to do with America. I took this picture at the FLT 93 Memorial.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Not sure if you need a break or not. My break is over...for sure. While y'all have been hitting it hard I have tempered my approach and my nagging elbow was given a much deserved vacation. But, that was 3 weeks ago. Monday I have to pick up Zane at 5:30 from Karate and then drive straight to the Community Center for training I should be there by 5:40 pm. I forgot Zanes karate was on Monday and Wednesday so I can't get to the training area any earlier. I am really looking forward to it! I have some chocolate 'issues' to work off .
Monday, August 4, 2008
Last night was the first night in 13 days that I slept in my own bed. A bed that didn't have wheels attached to them. You know what they say about vacations still holds true. While it was great traveling 2400+ miles in the RV, it's nice to be home.I do not recognize my lawn.
I could not help but notice all the different body types at all the campsites while on vacation. The pools a littered with people. I am not sure why the news keeps reporting that travel is down because of gas prices. These places and the roads where packed. When we were in Ohio we stayed at a state park over night. A very nice Park Ranger by the name of Lynette visited us and we had a great conversation about people and our observations. She was curious about what we did personally and professionally simply because we were not overweight. This was the amazing observation Donna and I had made after a few days on the road. Every campsite was filled with very heavy people. Anyway, we sat and solved all the worlds weight problems and that worked it's way into a kettlebell lesson. Yes, even on the road we are doing the Partys work. Pavel would be proud.
I am putting my house back in order and plan on being up and running soon. I emailed Sarah a few times and was glad to hear that a group was keeping things going... and going and going. This is how we roll. Ya' have to ask yourself, why do we suffer the "beat down" when the rest of the nation is suffering thru the all you can eat buffet?
Monday, July 21, 2008

She is the oldest to ever be on the Olympic swim team. China will be her her fifth Olympics. She has great financial resources according to the article but she also has a tremendous talent and DRIVE. SHe is 41 years old and the world will be watching her very soon. I recently had a conversation and your 'physical peak' is at age 25 for the general population. As we get older we need to train smarter, not harder or more frequently. She is a great example of this.
I am on the road tomorrow. Enjoy the beat downs you give each other. See you all in August.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Friday is the last day of official training. Over the next couple weeks some of the classmates will train. Find out who they are on Friday and make the effort. August 6th may be the first available day I have after my vacation. Watch for emails and watch this blog for training times. Friday will be a review of windmills and the Turkish Get-Up. These two movements are part of the RKC minimums. I am really looking forward to our August training. Hopefully the weather will co-operate and we can hit it...hard-style. See you Friday!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Today was a day off for me. That is , until I read the Dragon Door forum. Jason Brown (one of the most outspoken RKC Team Leaders) posted what he felt was a disappointing effort. The ladder is to 10. Alternating with swings and burpees. 1 swing/1 burpee, 2 swings/2burpees...and so on. Get it done in 5 minutes. He did it in 5 min 41 sec. using a 24kg for the swings. We do this type of drill all the time in class. We will crush his score on Friday for the final, hopefully. If not, we are still in great company. By the way, I used the 28 kg and finished in 4 min 5 sec. Why the 28 kg? Because I thought I had grabbed the 24kg. OOPS.

Doesn't mean you should. This is a great lesson and statement on human nature and training. Trainers are creating 'extreme' everything as a marketing tool. It is not very productive. Just do the work. Stay true to form and the form with be true to you. The hype is mucking up the joint. We have three meetings remaining in this session. I will bang out the basics for everyone to digest before the break. Just a nice review. We will do press and press variations on Friday. At the end of the training we will unwind the shoulders. See you Friday!!
Friday, July 4, 2008

What's the point? What have you accomplished? Well, I could go into my ramblings about the differences between inner and outer strength. Dealing with body management under harsh conditions. Getting outside your element and comfort zone. I could go into all the things that happen and how the body benefits from the static load. But here's what didn't happen. Nobody died. Nobody lost skin from the movement. The sore palms went away before the end of the training. You took yourself to a certain level of discomfort and tested your metal. Some put their knees down earlier than they needed because they were told this would take ten minutes. Others tried to do a personal best and just hang in there as long as possible. One classmate wanted some relief from her hands so rather than drop her knees down she went into a one handed plank, alternating hands. How cool is that? A ten minute plank is not outside our abilities. Really, we needed to manage about 5 minutes of discomfort. I don't know why people run, but think of the marathon. 2-5 hrs of pain management. The whole time their electrolytes are being depleted and they are running zombies by the end of the race. We went for 10 minutes and nobody lost a toe nail.
At the end of the's just a thing. Just a thing we did this day. We won't do it again for a while. We will do some "thing" else. We don't train with kettlebells because it's easy. We train because we know first hand how effective and efficient it is. One day soon (August) I would like to have the class do the Secret Service Snatch Test. It is 10 minutes of straight work. You can put the bell down as many times as you want but when the final 15 seconds is counting down that bell better be in motion. Meaning, everyone stays for the duration. It is a ten minute test. Why 10 minutes? Because 5 min is to easy. Not a challenge. Seven minutes a door of discomfort opens. From eight to ten minutes you want to reach for the puke bucket. Men use the 24 kg. Women use the 16 kg as the standard. For our purposes, dropping down one size will be allowed. Additionally, gloves and tape will be allowed. You can switch hands as many times as you want. Just something to chew on as we go into the August month.
Training resumes on Tuesday at 6:15 pm. Have a great weekend. We all wish Leisha a safe bike ride home after the party!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Why were the shoulders so sore after Tuesdays training? The swings intensity is focused on the bottom portion of the movement. The drive. The bell coasts at the apex or anything above the chest or nipple line. In order to launch the bell we need to 'drive' the full range and build speed through the apex of the movement. It is still just a swing. The footing should have stayed the same. There should not have been a balance problem. No extra steps after the launch. Nothing extra but drive. The lower back is exposed on the extension. The hips snapping forward will support the lower back only if the glutes are tight. If you stayed true to the movement the discomfort would be minimal the following day. If your focus was to "launch at all costs" for distance...then I can see where your body decided to bark at you. Over all a very solid drill and very well done. Today we will meet at 6-6:15pm along side the community center. It will be cooler today with cloud coverage. See you then!!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Monday (30th) is a "Go" for some training this week. I spent Saturday picking field stone to finish some work in the back yard and I am ready to rid myself of some little 'kinks' in the system. Bring gloves, water and any other foo-foo items that will get you through it. Monday is suppose to be clear and in the 80's. We just may see some more summer this week. Training begins at 5:15 pm at the Comm. Cntr.