First, I want to introduce a guy that really puts forth an effort. This is John. John and I went to H.S. together and (as fate would have it) ended up in the same series in Marine Corps Boot Camp. John is a good guy and generally nondescript. HE is a pilot for a major airline and a good family man. If you met him in a bar you wouldn't expect this kind of brilliant behavior from him UNLESS you knew him. He is stealthy, to say the least. I love this picture of him. There is another picture I love as well but I will let this one sink in and maybe post the other one tomorrow. In Johns own words," No winkies were hurt during the photo shoot."
The Burpee Progression started yesterday. Today you perform two burpees. I am dedicated to sending out and email everyday for the next 99 days to remind you. Keep the count going at home during non-class days. Class days we will start our training with the burpees due that day. If you come to class and you have already done the burpees for that day it will just be extra training for you as you do them with the class (the love never ends). The progression has drawn out some forces. We are actually 8 days behind Steve and Brenda. They started the progression unknown to me. Cap is throwing in a push-up progression and Cat' is with us in spirit. She is going to bust them out independently.
The SSST was a monster success. Everyone did better than they thought and creating new approaches based on their individual performances. Multiple requests for a follow-up test have surfaced. I will announce it again. Very soon. Weeks, not months. Personally I am still really tight in the trap'z bilaterally. tonights training will put this to bed as we work lighter pairs. I have put very specific time aside tomorrow to get the record board up on the wall. Out pet project will be to start targeting the categories and filling in the board.
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