Tuesday, October 18, 2011

RECAP FROM LAST NIGHT (Incase you missed the training

The CK-FMS was phenomenal . The approach is to treat the body as a movement. The lift as a movement. The FMS , like the RKC, is a system. A process. I am as excited about this as I was coming out of the RKC for the first time. It is a beautiful marriage. The crazy thing is.....it works. Every time ! This is going to have a lasting impact on the way we train. Strength will go up due to alignment and stability of the structure (out bodies) before we worry about the lift (or movement) portion. Everyone will be screened. The screen will identify asymmetries. We all have them. We all have them. We all have them. I cannot say this enough. CORRECTING AN ASYMMETRY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE AMOUNT OF WEIGHT YOU LIFT DURING A TRAINING SESSION ! We Good ? Clear ? We will need to dial back a little for a few weeks to fix the road before we drive on it again. It only makes sense. If your concerned that you didn't get your 'sweat on' that day....I can't help you. I only sweated twice over 4 days at the workshop and my strength and mobility increased. We need to get the repair work in. Some of you may be thinking that you feel pretty good....not much work will be needed. Brett Jones says he has never seen a perfect 21 (score). Doesn't exist. Let's get the screens done and see where we sit. I promise you, we are full of compensations for our weak stability. Don't think it's you? Here's a quick question. Would you rather I say "Press the bell over-head and hold it for 2 minutes" or " At your own pace, press the bell for 2 minutes" ? The first one requires no effort IF you have your stabilizers intact. The second one using your prime movers to blow past your stabilizers. DEEP STABILIZERS NEED TO FIRE BEFORE PRIME MOVERS FIRE. If they don't you will have bad movement with bad motor control. Then your body to compensate the movement and the problems begin. Foundation first. On to the next topic.

Chalk. We are WAY too dependent on it. Big lifts, big singles, going for Personal Records will require some chalk. I get it. I've done it. I do it. Chalk up to your elbows, all over the floor, the bell, in the air AND it's the bell you can 'hang with'.....Nope. Not needed. Un-necessary. Re-examine your relationship with the chalk. It is there to remove the oils from your hands. That's it. That requires a very, very light application and rubbing it into your skin. IF you can't hold on to it, that represents a weakness. It doesn't matter the origin of the weakness. It still represents a weakness (yes, it does.....yes, it does....stop arguing! ). Use a lighter bell OR, MORE IMPORTANTLY, USE A BETTER TECHNIQUE. It does come down to that. Soften your technique. Build the strength without the use of props.

Lastly....This past weekend was a bad experience for some of the attendees. We had some big names and heavy hitters in the attendence. They didn't get what they wanted from the experience. What they needed was there...it was. What they wanted was for the FMS to validate how they already train and validate their current belief system. That's what they wanted. What they needed was the FMS, but they didn't see it. They needed to do two things: shut their mouths and be receptive. Had they done that little maneuver, doors would have opened. I will tell you from personal experience, as a recovering chronic painer it is very, very hard to take the suggestions of somebody outside the body I know. It's the body I know. Not them. Trust is a HUGE factor because I will kick my own ass a lot harder for listening to the morons poor advice when I knew I shouldn't have in the first place. I (we) joke at work that I care for people...not about them. The joke ends there with a little chuckle. More to the heart of it is why. It has more to do with me and my frustrations and disappointments from living life. I have found there is a bucket full of frustration and disappointment if you care for someone more than they care about themselves. Or, if you want something (an accomplishment) for another (maybe your kids) more than they want for themselves. Even though I know it will work, my passions or goals gets smashed because the other person just isn't interested. After all, they can make their own choices. That is really the root of the cute joke from work. When dealing with someone who has drank their liver dead and they need a transplant, well, it comes with its dynamic. So, how does this apply to N.E.K.B. ? After this weekend....especially after this weekend, I see huge potential gains for everyone in class. Mobility, strength, agility, pain relief. I know your abilities. I know your strengths and weaknesses. I know your bodies and it's movements. I reflected back on the class every moment of the workshop and thought of examples in my life to each of the examples they played out. We are not a special or unique group. We are very predictable and correctable. The FMS is powerful and simple....that's its beauty. IF this is something your not interested in doing...I get it. My assumption is everyone wants to know if their patterns are symmetrical. This is the only time (over the next couple months) when I will offer screening for free. It's a learning time for me and Mark so I want to get my hands on as much material (new screens..a.k.a. people) as possible. I respect the FMS too much to let some one walk away with a score 'just because they were curious.' Seeing an asymmetry in some one, knowing they can correct it (not me..it's up to them) and then watching them not correct it is going to piss me off. Not hatred toward the other person. Just...piss me off because I want more for them than they want for themselves. I will dial this back but for now, the force is strong in this new Jedi.

The picture is from an old German gym circa. 1900

EITHER WAY => whether you want to follow thru with the corrections your given or not.......dial back on the chalk.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I cannot explain it better than this posting by The Tamer.


I was a little annoyed by not finishing my ladder last Saturday morning. I knew what was going to happen and I felt pretty good considering I had not eaten well or slept. I worked the night before so the typical 2 hours of sleep in the past 24 was in play. All that aside, I felt pretty good. The ladder was a challenge . For those missing the action, It went like this:

Press L x5
Goblet Squat x 5
Press R x5
Swing x10
Snatch L x5
Goblet squat x5
Snatch R x5
Swing x10

The rules: Complete the above with one bell (keep the same bell) for all movements. Do everything in 2 minutes and do it 8 times. that's 16 minutes of straight work. Wait 5 minutes (rest) and do it again.

I used a 24 kg bell. I got thru the first set of 8....rested and only made it to 11 minutes the second half. My form was beginning to suffer and we all know the rule. When the form goes, your done ! So I put it down. Afterwards we talked. I heard a common theme. "Think I could have finished if I started with a ___ . I found myself falling into this thought pattern. I know I could have finished if I would have used the 20 kg bell instead of the 24 kg bell. Then I thought......maybe not. Maybe I hit peak capacity in that short time frame. Curious, I did the math. It's the same total weight lifted. Finishing with the 20 kg is the same total weight as quitting early with the 24 kg. Maybe I did hit my peak work load before my form went to hell. I won't know for sure until I do it again. Actually, I need to do it 2 more times. Once with the 20 kg and one more time with the 24 kg but, this time, well rested and fed. Only then will I know for sure. This will be revisited.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

So, here's what we got....... " The Food Choice Challenge ! "

Oh, quit your whining.There is a very good reason behind the madness. First, let's look at our training (try and keep up with the long narrative, Dan (Seawell) ). IT'S HARD. Real hard. One might even call it a 'hard-style.' We are getting stronger. Breaking down and building up muscle is the pattern. The waste products need to be eliminated and are eliminated...for the most part. But, elbows and knees feel tight. Joints, shoulders, backs take a hit and don't feel 100% at times. Take a Motrin. Drink a beer. Drink some wine. Shot of bourbon. Whatever. Body feels a little better and we are back at it. I have had more conversations about tennis elbow, shoulder pain and knee pain in the last 8 weeks than in the entire 6 years I have been doing this KB stuff. These are all symptoms of the same problem. I am not going to get into all the research and studies...it isn't needed. But here is the bottom line...the stuff we eat is the stuff we become. Not only that, the cells actually modify themselves when they replicate to accept and process more crap that we eat which leaves less room for the cell to have receptor sites for the normal items of proper metabolism/nutrition. It is a sick cycle. And I do mean sick...like 'ill.' Cells that are so out of balance they just keep replicating but they have lost function. They become cancers. This isn't rocket science. Rocket science is simple compared to the complexities of this process. This is more important.
So, What's the fix. We are all walking around as toxic waste holding ponds. We have inflammation in our joints, under our eyes and in the lymphs. We continue to eat the foods that cause it so it doesn't go away. Well, my challenge to you is to stop...for 60 days. You have been grazing to your hearts delight your entire adult life. In the 3 weeks you have know about this challenge I have had multiple people want to get 'their food' on the list. Look, you don't have to do this. I really don't care. I know it's needed and you will experience what I experienced June-Sept 1982.
If you ever had your food rationed, you quickly learn things about yourself AND your neighbor. My food was rationed for almost 4 months. I went to boot camp. A real boot camp. There is only one. Not the weekends off, go out in town and call mommy to send you an extra pillow. I'm talkin' The Marine Corps. Any other boot camp doesn't count. Why? Because in the Marines, the time was restricted. Food was rationed and regulated AND freedom was taken away. What other bootcamp does this? None. You go thru the chow line with your sectional tray and hold it out. You get a spoon of scrabbled eggs and you move on. You get the same spoon the guy in front of you and behind you got on their trays. NO REGARD FOR YOUR HEIGHT OR WEIGHT. NO SECOND HELPINGS AND NO TIME TO EAT IT. We all ended up the same shape after 3-4 months. Skinny got lean. Lean stayed lean. Fat got lean. Muscular got lean. We all looked the same. Same with P.O.W.'s...They all look the same. Nobodys 'fat gene' kept them fat. What keeps you fat is shoving crap in your mouth.Every new crop of young nurses that graduates and starts working nights starts getting fat because night nurses eat to stay awake...and they eat crap. You can argue cortisol levels if you want....but your retarded. Sorry.Everyone that uses that argument has a mouthful of crap they are constantly digesting. Whatever. Live your life. But don't feed me your justifications for feeling sick or being fat. There seems to be a trend as we age that we deserve to enjoy ourselves and enjoy the fruits or our labors....by eating rich foods. Oh sure...you never tasted ice cream until you had a good job and a house that is mortgage free. Give me a break. You have been enjoying yourselves the whole way. Well Here's the challenge....( For you spiritual folk, think of it as a nutritional sojourn. Fellow Catholics....think of it as a lent from hell.) Stop eating your stuff and eat this stuff.
Paleo list of approved foods I had a real nice piece I was typing but Linnea gave me a hand out at the studio and it directed me to this fabulous list. I am not one for recreating the wheel. The idea is to eat what cavemen would have been exposed to back in the day. It is how our bodies are genetically wired to best respond. You may not buy that. You may think it's crap. You may be right. A lot of evolution has happened since Paleo' period. Who cares. I can tell you right now that we were never designed to ingest High Fructose Corn Syrup. So relax. It's only 60 days. The list is only half the story. The list is what you can eat. Here's what you can't eat. Gluten. That little word is going to piss off a lot of people. No breads. No pastas. No dairy. No alcohol. NO FAST FOOD. NO POPS. No exceptions. " But Mike, what if it is gluten free bread?" No. It's still bread and it only 60 days. "What about gluten free cookies?" No. It's still bakery goods and it's only 60 days. (see a pattern?) NOW, if your totally lost and completely bummed and extremely agitated that I am expecting you to "go without " for 60 days and you think this is unreasonable. I think you need to reconsider. Consider this.......how weak are you? As a 18 year old punk I went without candy and my favorite stuff for 4 months. Nobody died but, everyone did get diarrhea when we drank our first Coke after abstaining for 4 months. Stomach aches and Diarrhea. That crap is nasty.
Here's what will happen. You will feel better. Much better. Skin will be healthier. Nails will grow longer. You'll sleep better. You'll move better and have more energy.
For those doing the Mud Run. You will have a major event kick starting your metabolism to a very high caloric need for about 3 days. Eat properly and your body will be different your first week.
One last item of note....and it's a big one. Guys.....you get no more than 2000 Kcal a day. Ladies.....you get no more than 1650 Kcal. How you get those calories is your business. Just remember the meats. All meats are very lean meat cuts. I am surprised that pork is on the list. Personally I only eat bacon so it will be easy to get rid of pork altogether.
The caloric intake is based on BMI for average body frames. Welcome to boot camp !!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Not in this case.....

Ben Franklin said "Well done is better than well said." Up until this minute I would agree. Andrew Read RKC II, CK-FMS wrote a piece I read this morning that sums it all up. Remove Pavel from Andrew's story and insert Mark Reifkind Master RKC and you will have MY story. Which, speaks to the consistency of the RKC because my conversation with Mark happened over dinner 3 years ago. I was forty-four years old, he and I had an 'old persons' talk about training smarter and not just pounding out reps for rep's sake. Andrew's post is perfect. Read it here. The question is....will you benefit from the advice of experience of others or will you pound yourself into the ground. Remember, there is strength in mobility and symmetry. Even up your bells and iron out your movement compensations that have developed over the years. Last night Shannon was working with me shortly before class on my T-spine rotations. My T-spine is locked up. I stopped rotating my spine in 1991. This was the year I herniated my L5-S1 disc. 'Twisting' killed me so I stopped all rotational sports (if you call softball or baseball a sport...personally I think of them more as 'activity') . Flash forward to 2011 and after 6 years of KB training, I have great back support but the "Bretzel" triggers a dragon deep within the system that seizes my diaphragm, kills my breathing and spasms the peri-spinal muscles. So....I'm working on it. What's your dragon? Can you identify it? Are you working on it or working around it? (BTW-in the picture, Andrew is the first from the left, then it's Andrea, Geoff and Shaun (the original Beast Tamer).

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

250 LBS -vs- 120 LBS

Yes, it really does change you. Look at the ankle/knee/hip/shoulder joint distortions. Now at 50 pounds over weight the beginnings of the distortions are there to some degree. This depends on HOW you carry the extra weight. This is frightening because the first step for the aggressive 'loser' is to start........running. This is the beauty of KB training. We can place the force....tense the muscle....build the strength....that creates the muscle.....that burns the fat.....that lightens the load and corrects the distortions. All this in a way that is safe and joint friendly. Need we say more. ("Black" on an x-ray or MRI is air or gas. Notice the lungs are full of are and the 250lb person has a lot of gas trapped in their bowels)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

OH.....My Butt !!

Actually, it's the posterior chain (PC). What is it? Easily stated, it's the muscles used for jumping. Burpees activate the PC very nicely (Get your 50 !!). The muscles actually run from your lower back to the back of your legs. And, they run deep. You may notice them more in the next couple days. Tomorrow we will be very kind to this area and rest them with some passive lengthening movements.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sooo....what's happening?

Does anyone feel it? The 500 snatches with a light weight. I did it Friday with a #3 and Saturday with a #2. I am noticing some serious metabolic demands. Maybe coupling them with the burpees it triggered something but my bodyweight is down and I have woken to my alarm for the past two days and that never happens. So, I think were on to something here. I am going to continue it for as long as it seems reasonable. I have been wanting to drop some body fat before my re-certification in July. I did the 500 snatches again today with the #3. I think I will alternate the 2 and 3 while snatching 500 daily. That is 13,200 lbs of work one day and 17,600 lbs the next. Today it took me 20:45 min to get the 500 snatches. That is an awesome work return on a very small time investment. Now I am off to get my burpees. Get yours. 34!!

BTW....The SSST is on the Calendar !! Time to bust up your number

Friday, February 4, 2011

A question about Burpees....

As children we did burpees. In the Marine Corps they called the 'bend and thrusts." I like that name the best. Either way we never left the ground. Meaning...when performed we did not jump in the air from the squat position. I don't know where that came from and frankly I don't care. It's a jump. Bad for ankles, bad for knees, bad for hips and bad for lower back if you have poor form and/or posture. Just bad. The hard corps wing nuts that jump with the burpees look silly after 20 (that is a generous number) and should have stopped at 5. When you do your burpees (4 today) finish each one standing up right. Chest back. Looking forward. Hips forward. Knees locked. Then do another. You don't need to be a speed freak. Use the full range of motion.

Get your 4.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

DAY 3...

Like any good progression, it is totally dependent on staying on track. The benefits happen at the end. Any weight training program will start seeing real results mid-program...not the first 1/3 of the training cycle. So, changing your program frequently falls under the category of muscle confusion which is good. But if you are not on the program long enough to begin with, it just becomes 'a work-out' and not a program. I have trained with some very smart people. Too smart for their own good. Constantly changing things around and going on to a new philosophy of training before getting simple results from the training they were doing. Meanwhile, us 'over-trainers' were still increasing our weights even thou we were "over-training." And we were over-training. No doubt in my mind. But you do have to wring that rag dry before trying something new. Look at how well everyone did on the SSST and RKC Snatch test. We have not been training for this or focusing on 'so-called' conditioning. But there we were, snatching to beat all hell and posting impressive numbers. Look around to other clubs. Ask those who travel around to other clubs (Cap, Linnea, Super Dave, Big Dan...and the others) and check how we compare. We post great numbers. Which brings me to my almost annual shameless self promotion. Dragon Door has a feature on it's website to rank RKC Instructors. Here is the link. If you haven't done so in the past I respectfully request that you put in a good word to the mother ship ON BEHALF OF THE STUDIO. Please take a minute and describe your experience with NEKB. Don't focus so much on my instruction. Rather, if you would talk about the training environment I would greatly appreciate it. People read these things. Dragon Door gets a lot of traffic and it is some of the best advertising for our studio. Plus, other instructors are watching and it's nice to have a little friendly local competition.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Some thoughts....

First, I want to introduce a guy that really puts forth an effort. This is John. John and I went to H.S. together and (as fate would have it) ended up in the same series in Marine Corps Boot Camp. John is a good guy and generally nondescript. HE is a pilot for a major airline and a good family man. If you met him in a bar you wouldn't expect this kind of brilliant behavior from him UNLESS you knew him. He is stealthy, to say the least. I love this picture of him. There is another picture I love as well but I will let this one sink in and maybe post the other one tomorrow. In Johns own words," No winkies were hurt during the photo shoot."

The Burpee Progression started yesterday. Today you perform two burpees. I am dedicated to sending out and email everyday for the next 99 days to remind you. Keep the count going at home during non-class days. Class days we will start our training with the burpees due that day. If you come to class and you have already done the burpees for that day it will just be extra training for you as you do them with the class (the love never ends). The progression has drawn out some forces. We are actually 8 days behind Steve and Brenda. They started the progression unknown to me. Cap is throwing in a push-up progression and Cat' is with us in spirit. She is going to bust them out independently.

The SSST was a monster success. Everyone did better than they thought and creating new approaches based on their individual performances. Multiple requests for a follow-up test have surfaced. I will announce it again. Very soon. Weeks, not months. Personally I am still really tight in the trap'z bilaterally. tonights training will put this to bed as we work lighter pairs. I have put very specific time aside tomorrow to get the record board up on the wall. Out pet project will be to start targeting the categories and filling in the board.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Thanks to everyone that could make it to the Monday class. Hard-core and Hard-Style...nothin' wrong with that !

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Because They Asked.......

I couldn't be more proud. Our cycle of training has been higher than usual. It all started Jan. 1st and ramping things for the Saturday boot camp. After boot camp we had the heavy snatch day. I had comments on both days to have another boot camp or another heavy snatch day. It would seem the punishment cannot be too great. Last night was a moderately heavy press day to get the shoulders back in the game. This morning I get a request for the Secret Service Snatch Test (SSST). What ?!? More over the top efforts ? What is Feb' going to look like ? Okay...SSST it is. The request wasn't actually for the SSST. It was for the SSST, THIS MONTH !!! I think we are in a groove.

Let's review. The SSST is a timed event. It last 10 minutes. In order to pass...just 'pass' the individual must complete 200 snatches in 10 minutes. Men use a 24kg bell (#5) and ladies use a 12 kg bell. This is the SSST. NO ACCOMMODATIONS FOR AGE !! Although I think it's wonderful your in your twilight years, you can mention that as you boast your numbers. The SSST is a standard. It is hard. It is not meant to be easy. If you get <100...it's a lethargic effort. Thank you for playing. Enjoy the beer. 150 reps gets you in the game. That is one snatch every 4 seconds...half the pace/rate of the VO2. Heart is pumping and body is shaking and taking a hit. 200 let's you know you've been somewhere. It is a tad slower than the VO2. It is not an easy path. You will feel it all over. Your heart will feel like it is jumping out of your chest. The room will spin. Your stomach will flipped. Your hammies are fried. IT'S MISERABLE...for a reason. We want to get the greatest 'suck factor' out of that ten minutes. You will want to die. But, it's only 10 minutes. The bell can be placed on the ground for a rest. Do not rest more than 5 breaths or you will suffer getting the bell moving again. Resting overhead is best. It's only 10 minutes. We will partner up. Your partner will count for you. You don't have to count...just focus on the next rep, and the next, and the next, and the next. The KB stud men and women get numbers in the 230-250 range. Hard-core nuts get the 260-280 range. I have never seen or heard of anyone breaking 300. That would be the VO2 pace for 10 full minutes. One rep every 2 seconds. In-freaking-sane. Personally, I don't know where I stand. I have not attempted the SSST in a long time. I don't know how many over the 200 I can get these days. We'll find out.

Here's what will happen...someone will walk up to me and tell me they "quit early", "rested too much", "they could have done more but".....BUT NOTHING. It's 10 minutes. Dig deep and pull this out out. It's the mother event. We will do this on Monday, 31st. We will do it in both classes. It is the only thing we will do. A nice easy day. 10 min drill. 15-20 minute rest for those that finished. 10 minute drill 15-20 minute rest. Enjoy the rest of the night.

Get some rest.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

What can I say........

These are a few of my favorite things. Look at this group. How does a collection of people come together on a
Saturday morning to push themselves in sucha' way that so called 'athletes' or 'trainers' would never do. I had a crazy out of body experience as I was drilling the class. I felt the camera pull back...see the building by the track...see the neighborhood......keep backin' out till I saw the state of Minnesota and then the nation and the globe. Who was doing this at this hour and at this level?Normal people don't do this. They don't experience their potential or expect more from themselves. This is high level stuff. I am proud to be associated with the cool kids !!!! Even if I only watched.