Saturday, May 23, 2009

VO2 Max

  It was never about the first 40 sets or 280 snatches. It was always about the last 20 sets or 140 snatches. Are you gripping the bell too tight? Are you pulling with your back instead of driving thru our heels? It the bell landing on top with a nice packed shoulder or are you getting yanked around. These things are not detectable only doing a few snatches. but, do 560 snatches and your form/technique speaks volumes. I have a generalized ache this morning after doing the 80 sets with the 16 kg bell. Nothing too big. I feel generally tight or packed. Feels good. Next time I will step up to the 20 kg and open up that can of whoop-*ss. I am sure the world will be a different place. 
   I think we need a beer meter in addition to the sweat meter. It seems to me the more pain that is delivered...the more people stick around for a beer. It could just be me.
  Congrats to everyone that made the journey last night. Ben made the comment and I have to agree...we have a very strong group. Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


  I had two conversations in the past two days. One was with Deb which I started the other was with a random person in a coffee shop. He made the comment and I added the chorus. The thrust of the talks were how much is recycled. If your have a subscription to any magazine for a year, you can take the fist issue and read it again starting the second year. Nothing is new. Same old recipes, shoppers guides, workouts, health tips and cheerleading. As I read the Kettlebell Forums I have come to the same conclusion. The info' and conversations are recycled as each new group of new RKC's hit the forum. Stuff that had been discussed is re-discussed as if it were a new thought or idea. I find I am getting less and less from the forums. There is still the 'industry' back slapping and 'high fiving' to look forward too. People getting praised for mediocre lifts. It may be good or great for them but it is not worthy of national attention...just my opinion. A lot of really great lifts and feats are being buried by average stuff. Being proud of yourself is great. Feel good about it. I would pause before I got on a forum. Lose 110 pounds? Announce it to the world!!! Lose 40 pounds? Let's go celebrate with a pizza! Bottom line...hard-style is hard-style. Six or seven basic moves to keep your body satisfied with multiple variations to keep your brain satisfied. It's not rocket science. It's hard-style. Some will thrive in this environment. Some will become discouraged and leave to die elsewhere. It's all good. 

Monday, May 11, 2009


  Why not. Why is it we must be great at something before we try it in a class. Blows me away. I went to my first KB class raw. Unattended. By myself. In a room full of great KBer's. I keep getting emails from people that want to get in shape before they come to our classes. How do you get in shape for KB class if your not using KB's. Running will only help your running. Not your KB'ing. Drives me nuts.
   It is the Art-Whirl this weekend. Saturdays class is up in the air. I will know more on Thursday. The rest of the week is business as usual. No changes.
   Last Saturdays class was great. Actually it was more of an event. Won't get that at 'Curves'. Tonight we will do ground work. Building the better mouse trap.