To survive in this field you need to pimp yourself and get out there to be seen. Self promotion is the key to a healthy pocket book. Remember, if I call myself "the worlds leading authority in kettlebell training" it is not a lie. It is an opinion and it is legal to say or advertise this way. Just look at Sarah Lurie. Now, I would be an idiot to say such things. Given the fact that I was certified by Pavel. Therefore, he must know more than me. That's my opinion but not the opinion of others. The world is full of fitness expert that have the only answer.
I watch "The Biggest Loser" when I can because it is a great look into the mental state of the human condition. People that will only do the right thing when forced. What is that? I love how they walk on the treadmill. They are on a beautiful ranch in Sunny CA walking on a treadmill. Jillian (love her) will tell you she is the best trainer in the world. She said it to the camera. Her people walk on a tread mill. I weight between 190-195lbs. I can drop 5 pounds in as many days by eating right and killing myself in the studio. I do it all the time, especially when Donna gets into her baking mode and that crap is sitting around the house. I haven't been on a tread mill or stair master in the past 3 1/2 years. Jillian's people weigh 300 lbs and can't lose 3 pounds in one week AND she is the best trainer in the world. Just ask her...she'll tell you. NO!!! THEY DIDN"T BUILD OR GAIN MUSCLE TO OFFSET THE WEIGHT LOSS. Give me a break. To think that they go from morbidly obese to genetic super man/woman capable of gaining 4 pounds of muscle a week is retarded. Didn't happen. I only say this because I am at work rolling fat bodies all night long. They have installed cranes to the ceilings of the rooms to lift these people because nurses are killing their backs turning them. FYI-Nobody loses weight in the hospital. Your fat acts like a sponge from all the fluids we pump into you that your tissues swell. The more fat, the greater the potential. The fluid just fills those spaces. My point? Look in the mirror naked. Do you like what you see? Do you see what you want to see or do you see a life of over indulgence that needs to be curbed for a few months while your body heals. I was reading about plasma storms ( I will discuss this a little in class) and you don't want to have health conditions when the power goes out.
KB training is cutting edge and dumb at the same time. I have spent decades with complicated training 'cycles' getting great results. Looking back, the results were best if they were less compicated. Look at Marine Corp Boot Camp. Never touched a weight. Never saw a gym. Three months later I am in the best fighting shape of my life. Never felt that way again until I started training with KB's. Look at the amount of work we did on Wednesday. Are you kidding me? You killed yourself . How many hours would be needed to get that burn in the gym on machines. The strength is there. The last item would be the shape of the strength. That is only controlled by input..or, rather, 'put in'. Whatever you put in your mouth. See you tonight!!