Completely unrelated to KB training...I'd like to pass this on. I have a friend that never sleeps and his mind never rests. He has been working and meeting with people from the metro and Wash, DC area trying to get the Transportation Bill passed in Minnesota. This bill has caught the eye of Washington, DC as a way of fixing the economic crisis in the United States and has a growing following. That's right, Minnesota has the answer. It is an extremely important bill and a new way of looking at spending and our economy. Unfortunately the majority in congress are busy spending money to actually fix the problem. Here is a link to his blog. If you are serious about how we can fix these issues in Minnesota and the United States then read his blog from the bottom (first entry) up. It is a real eye opener. After a few minutes you just want to punch someone for being so foolish with our futures. Take a look. Money as Wealth