Thursday, January 29, 2009

   Last night was a great night of training. Kristina started the show with a 5 gal water bottle (full) turkish get up. Everyone kept the massage therapist Jc busy and that is always appreciated. Her plans are to return to us in 2 weeks for another Wednesday of fixing your wounds. I can't say enough about our classes and the effort put out by everyone last night. Additionally, I want to thank you for putting up with the filming and pictures. Again, the lighting didn't help so very few turned out like I had hoped. Either way, there is enough of a sample to show off the people and the place. Again, thanks to all. I will edit the training video and hopefully have it on the net tonight or early tomorrow. Thanks again!!!!

P.S. Snatches on Friday (and maybe Saturday) toward the end. High volume. Get your hands ready. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


  This is the theme for the night. The 'good' will be provided by Jc, massage therapist with an edge. She is bringing her traveling groan show to us. Her followers call her the Terminator. This can only be a good thing. I will provide the 'bad' and  use this night as a pairs night. Stick to a basic blueprint of strength, mobility, function and ballistics. Sound familiar? It is. One exception. We will do it all at the same time. This way, when you decide to step out of training to visit with the massage therapist you won't feel as though you are missing out on training. Simple and sinister is the KB mantra. 
  I have said many times that we are not the only show in town. I think our structure is the best for people trying to gain mobility, strength, regain flexibility and bridge training between their activities or sports. The formula I use 70 % of the time in class 'fixes' things. Backs, knees, shoulders elbows. If you have a weak spot, you will know it. Plus, our price point is unbeatable. Getting the word out is the problem. A few weekends ago a booth was manned by some friends of mine. Franz showed up with his video camera and caught some of the action. Look at the second video from the L.A. EXPO. (click here)

Friday, January 23, 2009



   Pickled. Petrified. Blasted. Useless. This would describe my legs over the past 2-3 days after the pistol/gun swinger training on Wednesday. What is it with legs and the 2 day pain delay? Pistols. What can I say. "Don't you be hatin' on the pistols!!!" keeps running thru my head as I am trashing my legs one at a time.  
  Thanks to everyone for putting up with my photo session. More are coming. I really need to get some new pictures on the website. The studio is  starting to take shape. Shirts are coming. I am getting another pair of 24's and 28's tonight! We are on the move. I haven't found anyone that likes the finish on the Russian Reds we added to the mix. So,  that discussion is put to bed. No more Reds. 
Tonight we will work out the 'kinks'. Get the body in motion. Think Ballistics!! 

Monday, January 19, 2009


Tonight Terry 'Two-Feathers" will be calling the shots.  This is a great opportunity to have another person come in and mix things up a little. Like I said before, she is 'hard-style' but brings her own angle to the table. I know things will go well. Wednesday I want to get the class picture between 6-6:15 pm. See you Wednesday!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


  The stage is set. Tonight it's 'the long haul.' Bring training gloves and be prepared to engage. Bring warm clothes for the ride home. This is not the time to catch a chill. We will jump right into it. The idea is to work at a constant rate/pace. The volume will be up there but not as high as we have had it in the past. That's not the stress factor. The tension and stress comes from the pace. It will be a fair pace. Fair to everyone with enough variations to give the body recovery. This will be great!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


So, we go for five...maybe ten minutes at a time. It is work. We get thru it. Its more than the average person would do to themselves. We pat ourselves on the back. Now, watch the YouTube videos below of the legendary Valery Fedorenko. He retired years ago after setting some amazing  records with the 24kg and the 32kg. Usually in pairs. He now teaches the sport in Ohio. In 2006 he came out of retirement and as a favor to the Arnold Classic he performed 2006 jerk presses with the 16 kg bell. This took over 2 hours. The video is only a few minutes. Take a peek. The other videos of him are just ..... well, he's the best in the world.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


  "What are kettleBALLS?" How do we explain ourselves. If we were in congress, the head of our party would generate a 'talking points' list. Pretty straight forward. Not so easy with the kettlebell. So, when asked, I say "it's a handful of hell that you couldn't handle." I say it with a smile and this will lead to more discussion. I have also found that the more I talk about it the less effective the explanation becomes. How can one little bell do so much? People become skeptical if they smell sales. We all know that seeing isn't believing. Feeling is believing. Somehow you have to get it into their hands. Then it is up to them to make it work. If your out and about and decide you want to bring someone to class to participate, make it a Monday or Wednesday if possible. Classes are more structured on those days. Fridays and Saturdays are more fast and furious. 'Don't hurt or maim your victim' is the first rule of training. I think it's a pretty good rule (for starters anyway).