Thursday, November 27, 2008

Monday is "Carpet Day".....I hope.

  I met the guy and he measured and went hunting for the 'stuff'. I got the call. The holiday was already cramping our style. So...according to the powers at be, we will have carpeting on Monday. Just in time. The bells have arrived. They are getting all warmy. The bells started sweating  as soon as they got inside. I think it's a sign. Other preparations will continue thru the weekend. One change to the weeks schedule. We will not have the open house on Tuesday. I have just run  out of time. I have not circulated the flyers yet. This day will be rescheduled for sometime in December. Hopefully the holiday won't mess us up too bad.
  Eat. Feast. Get fat. It's all good. Monday, we turn it on.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


You want motivation. You need inspiration. Take the four minutes and view this video and then check yourself.

Friday, November 21, 2008


    The snatch is a very ballistic move. The story goes, force plate analysis tells us it takes 4-5 times the bells weight generated in order to execute a proper snatch. Emphasis on the word 'proper' . Where is the force generated?  The hips. There is a pull thru but the hips drive the weight and the arms guide the weight.It is very fluid. Watch someone new try to snatch and they are all over the board...and they are smacking their forearms pretty bad. The bell should come to rest on the forearm. Not slam into the forearm. It must be finessed.

1) extreme delicacy or subtlety in action, performance, skill.
2) skill in handling a difficult or highly sensitive situation; adroit and artful management.
3) a trick.

We will visit the snatch today (yes, again). I think most  people do snatches when the want a quick training session.  They should be doing swings but you can't stop human nature from wanting to amp things up a little. So we will tweek this again. Plus some people were not there on Tuesday.

  Word on the studio...I am changing the open house date. I think Dec 2nd is to soon. Maybe a week or so after we have been in there and using it. Maybe couple it with a small Holiday party or gathering. We will figure it out. Growing pains.


Monday, November 17, 2008

got keys?

That would be a 'yes'.  We have 3 more classes at Wilshire Park and then we move to the new location as of Dec.1 st.   I walked in today and fired up the heater to start warming the walls. more cold bells. The heater rocks.  For me this represents a vacant garage. One I may actually put my car in during the winter. And did I mention the warm bells? Just another thank you to everyone that has opted in for the charter memberships. It's one thing to talk about doing it but it is another to actually do it...thanks again. Tuesday we will train with singles. You know what that means...pick wisely!! See you then.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


N.E. Kettlebells/Five Point Kettlebells LLC

  Thanks to everyone for calling to ask for additional information. I want to apologize for the delay in my response. It has been a crazy busy week for me and I knew if I just sat down and wrote to everyone I could address everything at once.

 Here we go.


 This is open to anyone! Anyone that pays the first month. Anyone that has trained with me in the past. Anyone with whom I have shared a beer. Anyone. The deal with the charter membership is you retain and stay at $65.00 a month as long as you don’t miss a month. After Dec.1st, if you disappear and come back, the only way to get back down to $65.00 is to buy a three month package. The three month package will include sales tax. All memberships will include sales tax except charter memberships. Additionally, charter memberships will disappear from the payment options. If you are a charter member you are one for the length of your sustaining membership. I will not offer these openly again. The beginning monthly fee scale is as listed below. Fees due the first of each month.

Charter member                              $65.00

New member                                   $99.00 + tax

Intermediate member                      $79.00 + tax

Block of 3 months in advance         $195.00 + tax

Drop in rate per class                      $20.00 

Payments are made to me either thru the mail or in class. Not attending class is not an excuse for a late payment. I am working on a new website and it will have the ability to take payments on line. PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP THRU THE COMMUNITY CENTER. If you have, nothing will change. I will get that list and it will apply to the new location with all the rights of membership. IF YOU WANT TO BE A CHARTER MEMBER EMAIL ME AT FIVEPOINTKETTLEBELLS@GMAIL.COM AND SPECIFICALLY SAY “ I WANT TO BE A CHARTER MEMBER”. I will put you on the list.

Checks will be made out to  ‘ Five Point Kettlebells ‘

Payments can be mailed to: FPKB, 3150 Pierce St NE, Mpls, MN 55418

I will not keep money on the premises. If paying in cash, please don’t require change or give a partial payment that you may want to apply to the next month.   All payments thru the Community Center will be honored during this transition. My new training schedule will apply, not the one listed in the Community Center book. 


   SUNDAY                                 CLOSED

   MONDAY                                5:00-6:00 PM

                                                   6:15-7:15 PM


  WEDNESDAY                          5:00-6:00 PM

                                                   6:15-7:15 PM

  THURSDAY                             CLOSED

  FRIDAY                                   5:00-6:00 PM

  SATURDAY                             8:30-9:30 AM

  Members may attend as many classes in one month as they wish with one exception, Tuesday is invite only.  Tuesdays class is not meant to be divisive. I made the mistake of originally calling it an ‘advanced class’. This set off a few alarms and I heard about them. It’s okay. To be fair I didn’t pick my words properly. The intermediate class is not structured or supervised. Think of it as ‘open gym’. You will be able to come in and work on or train whatever you wish. I will be on site to discuss technique. Show some things...whatever. I will be doing my own thing. You need to have a certain level of skill to be safe enough for me to turn you loose in an open gym setting. That means doing snatches with the power coming from the hips. Swings with the power from the hips. Wrists straight. Elbows straight. Hips squared during rows or bear crawls. Back leg straight while doing windmills. See the pattern? Body awareness !!  I have been more slack in the past because the training days were much more limited. KB’s are a skill !! The skill must be attained from training. One day a week won’t do it in MOST cases. 

   Some behavior changes need to be made. The biggest change will be class start time. Now that there are more class offerings start times will be enforced. In the past we had to deal with the limited meeting times available so we needed to be more flexible with start times.This needs to change. HERE’S WHY !! I will teach the first half of the class. The second half hour will be application and beat downs. If you weren’t there for the can you apply it? In order for this business to survive I will need to expand membership. New members must see members arriving on time in order to pattern them into a behavior of being on time.  They will do what you do. I can’t have people coming and going at their liberty. Well, I take that back, you can leave anytime. ONE EXCEPTION-Intermediate Members may arrive late but please join the class quietly and respectfully. But clearly you can see the importance of having a start time with everyone in the class and no distractions. The fifteen minute transition between classes will be respected and additional visiting after class can take place in the coffee shop or hall way. I don’t want to compete with your voices during the next half of instruction. If your going to stay for the additional class on Mon/Wed (nothing wrong with 2 hours of training) just understand that it will be a close mirror of the previous hour. Beat downs may vary and I will tailor things to those attending at each class for the beat downs. Tuesday training will not start until the third or forth week of December. Please do not attend Tuesdays training unless you have heard from me specifically. Please do not assume open class is available to you. I will contact members individually. Again, the intention is to provide a safe environment for you to train. You must have a safe skill level in all the skills. Not the ones you favor or practice at home. Ask yourself this, are you confident with the movement or do you say ‘I hate’ or ‘I can’t ‘ do these ? That kind of language will not be apart of the Tuesdays open sessions.


  I am very excited about this venture. Its success will be dependent on the quality of its members. We have a very high quality clientele. KB’s are not for everyone. It’s work. Hard work. No slacking. Look around the class. We are average folk with a forged will undetectable outside of class. A person needs a fair amount of digestive juices just to get thru the training. Our numbers will always be small because this type of training doesn’t reward you with the warm fuzzy other gyms offer. We sweat. We ache. We push beyond our limits. We break barriers. Blow away myths and laugh about it. We earn the right to look at other forms of training and immediately see the faults and errors of their ways.  We care for our hands and speak of hand care in ways others don’t need. Why we do this......I don’t know. But we do and we are so much better for it. Now we have warm bells thru the winter. A place to call our own with unlimited potentials. New implements of torture will be added at intervals. This is how we like....dare say, love it without sounding too much like a ‘pain freak’. That being said, I look forward to hitting it hard very soon with a group of people I have grown very fond of AND look forward to “beating” and “being beaten by” more frequently !!!


With deep respect~Michael


Friday, November 14, 2008


Where does the time go? I guess I should dust this thing off.
Legs have recovered from Tuesdays insult quite nicely. Hip flexors seem a little tight in part from Tuesdays training. Some mobilty drills and hip work will be in order.Get those out of the way and then open it up to a nice prolonged KB session. Bring some warm clothes for the ride home. Seriously, now is not the time to catch a cold. Keep the head and spine warm. When your finished training and the back is warmed up and loose it is prime time for alignment issues. Be very careful. Your body needs to stay warm to stay healthy post training but, your back doesn't like being warm and loose. It's quite the pickle.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


  Well, Here is a reasonable picture of the space I found. The idea is to get some color into it soon. We would have a loading dock entry and warm bells year round. The floor is concrete. That is good and bad. Easy to clean but cool in the winter. I have looked into rubber flooring. It will have to wait. Approx' cost is $3000-$6000.00.  We can  live in it a while until it is determined where rubber is useful. Use your imagination. Think rings, pull-up bars, kettlebells and other implements of torture. Parking is great to the south along the building and RR track. It is an odd shape but, let's face are we. Another walk thru is today at 4:30 pm (1618 Central Ave N.E.) I love the idea we can keep this N.E.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


  Wow, what a great session on Friday. I have not done anything like that in a while so I felt it on Saturday and Sunday. Thanks to all that joined me. The new session begins on Friday. We will revisit the basics and the theories behind Hard-style training. New people will gather a better understanding of what is happening to them while veterans will use heavy bells to illustrate the point. Like the saying goes, 'if it is boring then it is too light'. This is going to be a productive week. I hope it generates some productive news about training locations. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for anything that may be suitable. Winter is approaching fast. Tuesday training is on the list provided it is not raining. I will email the group. Enjoy what remains of the indian summer.
